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Travel Tips & Current Trends

Mindfulness and More: Techniques to Help You Relax and Recharge

Posted by on 1:05 am in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Mindfulness and More: Techniques to Help You Relax and Recharge

Traveling often comes with its fair share of excitement but sadly often a lot of stress as well. Navigating through airports, adapting to new environments, and maintaining a packed itinerary can quickly drain your energy. It’s essential to incorporate relaxation and recharging techniques into your travel routine, as they can not only help you manage the inevitable stresses of travel but also enhance your overall well-being, ensuring that you return home feeling rejuvenated rather than exhausted. Thankfully, there are a variety of effective strategies designed to help you relax and recharge during your travels, such as mindfulness and other relaxation techniques that can significantly reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance overall well-being, allowing you to fully embrace your travels and create lasting memories.

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A Woman’s Guide to Staying Healthy on the Go

Posted by on 2:05 am in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

A Woman’s Guide to Staying Healthy on the Go

When adventure calls and wanderlust takes hold, the last thing anyone wants is to be sidelined by illness. While both men and women can certainly be impacted by various illnesses while traveling, women often face certain unique factors that may make them more susceptible to certain health issues or illnesses while traveling. Whether it’s a bout of the flu, a persistent infection, or a flare-up of a chronic condition, the challenges of handling sickness away from the comfort of home can quickly turn a joyful holiday into a nightmare. Check out my comprehensive guide, written by a travelling woman specifically for other travelling women. The advice in my guide will help you take proactive measures to prioritize your health and well-being to help mitigate the risk of health problems.

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The Best Sustainable Ways to Get Around on Vacation

Posted by on 3:21 am in Blog, Eco Tourism, Travel Tips | 0 comments

The Best Sustainable Ways to Get Around on Vacation

While it’s wonderful to explore new destinations and experience different cultures, it’s become essential to consider the environmental impact of our travel and try our best to minimise our carbon footprint wherever possible. Since one of the most significant contributors to environmental harm in the travel industry is transportation, we thought we’d look at the various common modes of transport and ways you can utilise each in more sustainable ways that helps promote responsible tourism the next time you’re on vacation,

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Savvy and Innovative Ways to Protect Your Jewelry While Traveling Solo

Posted by on 1:13 pm in Blog, Fashion, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Savvy and Innovative Ways to Protect Your Jewelry While Traveling Solo

We all want to look great on our vacations, especially in the photos we take to look back on each moment. But traveling with jewelry requires careful consideration. Your favorite pieces are not only valuable, but also carry sentimental significance. To ensure they remain safe and secure while you’re overseas, it’s essential to take proactive measures.

Our general advice is always to leave anything of value at home, and not travel wearing a lot of bling. Wearing a lot of glitzy jewelry can often paint you as a teft target. But it’s still nice to look and feel nice – especially when on vacation!

This guide will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to keep your precious pieces safe while traveling, allowing you to enjoy your journey with peace of mind.

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The Ultimate Checklist for Emergency Passport Services

Posted by on 2:20 am in Blog, Travel Tips | 0 comments

The Ultimate Checklist for Emergency Passport Services

Many of us dream about traveling abroad, and if you’ve never planned an international trip before, it’s easy to overlook the details around obtaining a passport due to being so excited about planning your trip. Unfortunately, a passport is an essential piece of the international travel puzzle and without it you simply won’t be enjoying any holiday abroad. To help you better understand the process of getting a passport, we thought we’d offer you a guide that covers all the bases to ensure the path to getting your passport in time before your trip is as easy as possible.

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Revolut Travel Card Review: Why I Only Spend Money With Revolut

Posted by on 10:39 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Equipment Reviews, Technology, Travel Tips | 1 comment

Revolut Travel Card Review: Why I Only Spend Money With Revolut

This past year though, I’ve traveled with Revolut in my wallet (both my phsical wallet, and my Apple wallet). And it’s saved me serious money.

Revolut is financial website and digital app used by 35+ million people, with the tools you need to easily spend, transfer, and protect your money overseas. You can set up accounts in multiple currencies, get a debit card for travel, and you can do it without any fees.

It’s easy to sign up for a standard account, and there is no monthly fee. If you click here you get a 3 month trial of Revolut premium (higher limits on ATM withdrawrals & currency exchange).

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Travelling With CBD in the UK: What You Need To Know

Posted by on 11:07 pm in Blog, Healthy Travel, Travel Tips, UK | 0 comments

Travelling With CBD in the UK: What You Need To Know

The popularity of CBD products has surged in recent years as they become legal in more and more countries worldwide. While many travellers are beginning to incorporate them into their wellness routines, it pays to know the legalities and procedures around travelling with CBD products. The thought of going through airport security can undoubtedly give rise to panic in travellers carrying CBD. With that said though, CBD is legal in the UK provided it meets specific criteria and the products you carry comply with packaging and labelling regulations. Whether you are planning to travel to or through the UK, familiarising yourself with the rules around packing and travelling with CBD products will keep you on the right side of the law and help to put your mind at ease.

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Card or Cash: What Should You Use While Travelling?

Posted by on 8:49 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Travel Tips | 0 comments

Card or Cash: What Should You Use While Travelling?

Thanks to today’s technology, travellers are blessed with many different ways to pay for goods and services while exploring the world. You of course can use physical cash or credit cards, but then there is also the option to use debit cards, digital wallets, mobile payment apps, and prepaid travel cards. Let us compare the top two forms of payment most travellers opt for which is cash and credit cards. The age-old debate between using credit cards or relying on cash for travel expenses continues to divide travellers seeking the most efficient, cost-effective, and secure payment method. Both payment options have advantages and disadvantages, which may vary depending on where you’re travelling to. To help you decide what may be the best option for you, here are some main factors worth considering.

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The Rise of Online Travel Booking Websites: A Comprehensive Analysis

Posted by on 3:34 pm in Blog, Travel Tips | 0 comments

The Rise of Online Travel Booking Websites: A Comprehensive Analysis

In the fast-paced world of travel, online booking websites have made the process of booking travel easier than ever before. A travel booking website is of course an online platform that allows travellers to plan, search for, and book various travel-related services such as flights, hotels, rental cars, and tours. This convenient and centralised way to make travel bookings without the need to visit physical travel agencies or make phone calls has definitely been a game changer in the travel industry. Travellers can now book travel from the comfort of their home or while on the go, using a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. This transformation of how people plan and book travel has been driven by various technological advancements and various travel trends. Here’s a detailed overview of the key factors contributing to the rise and use of online travel booking websites.

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How Travel Companies are Using QR Codes to Get the Attention of Tourists

Posted by on 3:06 am in Blog, Technology, Travel Tips | 0 comments

How Travel Companies are Using QR Codes to Get the Attention of Tourists

Many types of travel-related businesses are using QR codes to capture the attention of tourists as it is proven to be an effective marketing strategy. The key to successfully capturing the attention of tourists with QR codes is to provide value, engagement, and convenience. Learn how you as a business can create and utilize QR codes to increase your brand awareness and provide convenience to tourists. It starts with gaining an understanding of how QR codes work, knowing the process of creating one, and making sure the content linked to the QR codes is well-designed, informative, and user-friendly for tourists.

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