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7 Travel-Related Jobs You Have to Consider

7 Travel-Related Jobs You Have to Consider

If you’ve ever dreamed your office could be the entire world, look no further than a career in the travel industry. The travel industry and various related fields offer a great variety of exciting and rewarding positions that will allow you to constantly be on the move exploring exotic cultures and accumulating valuable experiences in addition to a paycheck. Whether you’re a tour guide taking tourists through historic cities or embarking on a nature trek in search of wildlife, taking to the skies as a flight attendant, or even teaching English to students around the world from the comfort of your laptop, there are plenty of careers that will allow you to see the world. Let us look at some of the most common careers that will allow you to travel the world, as well as a few options you may not have considered. Thanks to technology and a worldwide tourism industry that seems to only grow every year, no longer do you need to decide between earning an income and seeing the world.  

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Essential Apps for Financial Side Hustles While Traveling

Essential Apps for Financial Side Hustles While Traveling

Being a young adult in 2024 can often seem overwhelming. We have seen inflation spiral out of control which has made it nearly impossible to make significant headway in terms of saving up for a house or paying off debt. Wages definitely aren’t increasing as rapidly as costs are, and our world seems more and more like it is designed to frustrate young people. With all this stress, it’s no wonder young adults are looking for an escape and one way to do that is to travel the world, possibly in search of living a lifestyle where the cost of living is more bearable on a day-to-day basis. There has been an online and social media-driven resurgence over the past decade for the desire to travel long-term. If you’re considering jumping on the bandwagon and wish to travel the world in search of happiness or to de-stress, let’s look at some financial side hustles you can do to earn a living and keep costs down during your travels.

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How Digital Nomads Can Manage Finances on the Road

How Digital Nomads Can Manage Finances on the Road

A digital nomad lifestyle is one which offers unparalleled freedom, allowing you to work remote and enjoy a flexible schedule. However, it does require you to be quite self-reliant, especially when it comes to managing your finances. Financial stability is the cornerstone of sustaining a digital nomad existence, as it allows you to focus on your work and travels without the constant worry of running out of funds. Staying on top of finances is a silent challenge for the wandering professional who often needs to juggle different currencies, research potential cost-of-living differences, and try to manage finances across varying economies. From setting budgets to understanding exchange rates and utilizing digital banking tools, let my digital nomad financial management guide equip you with the knowledge to make informed financial decisions that will help support your traveling lifestyle.

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8 Essential Financial Tips for Solo Female Travelers

8 Essential Financial Tips for Solo Female Travelers

I can say from experience that traveling solo as a female is an empowering and enriching experience. It has offered me a great deal of personal growth in addition to a sense of adventure. With that said, traveling solo does come with unique financial considerations. Balancing safety, comfort, and a travel budget can be tricky at times, but with strategic planning and smart money management, solo travel can be both affordable and rewarding. Let us look at some essential financial tips tailored specifically for solo female travelers, which will hopefully provide you with the insights and strategies needed to explore the world without depleting your saving or putting you into considerable debt.

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Revolut Travel Card Review: Why I Only Spend Money With Revolut

Revolut Travel Card Review: Why I Only Spend Money With Revolut

This past year though, I’ve traveled with Revolut in my wallet (both my phsical wallet, and my Apple wallet). And it’s saved me serious money.

Revolut is financial website and digital app used by 35+ million people, with the tools you need to easily spend, transfer, and protect your money overseas. You can set up accounts in multiple currencies, get a debit card for travel, and you can do it without any fees.

It’s easy to sign up for a standard account, and there is no monthly fee. If you click here you get a 3 month trial of Revolut premium (higher limits on ATM withdrawrals & currency exchange).

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Card or Cash: What Should You Use While Travelling?

Card or Cash: What Should You Use While Travelling?

Thanks to today’s technology, travellers are blessed with many different ways to pay for goods and services while exploring the world. You of course can use physical cash or credit cards, but then there is also the option to use debit cards, digital wallets, mobile payment apps, and prepaid travel cards. Let us compare the top two forms of payment most travellers opt for which is cash and credit cards. The age-old debate between using credit cards or relying on cash for travel expenses continues to divide travellers seeking the most efficient, cost-effective, and secure payment method. Both payment options have advantages and disadvantages, which may vary depending on where you’re travelling to. To help you decide what may be the best option for you, here are some main factors worth considering.

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Unlock the Secrets of Credit Card Points: Maximize Your Rewards for Maximum Benefit

Unlock the Secrets of Credit Card Points: Maximize Your Rewards for Maximum Benefit

Using credit card points and rewards programs has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people seek to travel for less. Travel hacking involves using various strategies, techniques, and tools to find and book travel deals, earn rewards points and miles, and take advantage of credit card benefits and sign-up bonuses.

Many people want to travel more but are discouraged by the high cost of flights, hotels, and other travel-related expenses. And espcially as the world battles cost of living and inflation, movements like Craigslist Free and travel hacking are on the rise.

With travelers now more conscious of their finances and looking for ways to stretch their travel budget, today’s post will look at different type of rewards programs, variables to consider when selecting a credit card for rewards, and tactics for maximizing credit card points.

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Money Matters: How Regional Regulations Can Affect Your Finances While Travelling

Money Matters: How Regional Regulations Can Affect Your Finances While Travelling

From property buying tips in Maui to working remotely in Spain, there are plenty of ways you can up sticks and make a life outside of your comfort zone.

But a real problem you may run into when you leave home is geographical nuances. Specifically, there may be different rules, regulations and protocols in place with regards to financial matters in different countries. Here are some of the regulations you should watch out for.

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How To Easily Live Off The Grid And Save Money

How To Easily Live Off The Grid And Save Money

Living off the grid is becoming an increasingly popular option for those looking to become more self-sufficient and independent. With the right planning and investments, it’s possible to leave behind rising energy costs and big utility bills in exchange for renewable energy sources and sustainable living.

From installing solar panels or wind turbines to utilizing geothermal energy, batteries for appliances, rainwater collection systems, and much more – there are plenty of ways you can live off the grid while saving money in the process. Read on to learn some tips and advice on how to get started! ​​​​​

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Should You Use a Debit Card or Credit Card When You’re Traveling?

Should You Use a Debit Card or Credit Card When You’re Traveling?

Whether you’re planning to travel abroad or within the country, you’ll need to consider 1) the amount of money you’ll require, and (2) the means you’ll use to pay for your expenses (accommodation, eating out, transportation, day trips etc).

It tends to be safer to arrange alternative payment options, such as credit and debit cards, rather than carrying a lot of cash. And with the rise of travel rewards points, aka travel hacking, credit cards have become a popular option.

But what about the pros of using a debit card to prevent unintentional overspending? Which approach is ideal? Read on to know more.

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Airport Hacks: 11 Tips That Could Save You Time and Money

Airport Hacks: 11 Tips That Could Save You Time and Money

Travelling by air is one of the fastest ways to get around. It saves you hours of driving, and you can finish a 1,500-mile trip in three hours instead of almost two days.

The problem is that more than 2.9 million passengers are flown all over the world every day, which means that airports can get very crowded.

Not being prepared may not only waste unnecessary time but can also cause you to lose your flight. Here are a couple of tips that can save you a lot of time and money during your next trip.

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Save Money for Travel: A Guide To Saving Money on Your Commute

Save Money for Travel: A Guide To Saving Money on Your Commute

Driving yourself to and from work can weigh down the wallet throughout the week, and unfortunately that makes it tougher to achieve your savings goals for travel.

If you’re actively saving towards a trip, you might be looking for a guide to saving money on your commute. Because bntween parking or transportation costs, the average American can spend as much as $40 a week on their way to work.

However, thanks to modern technology like fuel-calculating apps and telecommuting opportunities, there are ways to avoid spending as much on traveling to the workplace, so you can put it towards traveling overseas instead.

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Ways to Fund Your Next Travels Post Pandemic

Ways to Fund Your Next Travels Post Pandemic

With post pandemic travel back in full swing, it’s time to dust off those passports which have been sitting with us in lock down for so many months / years. Though despite many of us in desperate need of vacation, as quickly as borders started to re-open, most worldwide economies started taking a hit.

Most people post pandemic are in one of two camps; you saved your disposable income and you’re ready to splurge, or COVID and the post economic effects have left your wallet in a world of hurt. If you fall into the latter, and need ways to fund your travels post pandemic, here are some modern ideas which apply to the new world we’re facing.

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4 Types of Loans You Can Get for a Vacation

4 Types of Loans You Can Get for a Vacation

Many of us are ready to take a long-awaited vacation after putting it off for over two years. However, despite not having spent much while being locked inside our homes, inflation is sending the cost of travel sky high.

Traveling on a budget has become increasingly difficult since the cost of transportation, airfare, and lodging has all increased dramatically – made worse by the spike in the cost of feul, since Russian oil was removed from global supplies.

But if you’re really determined to pursue your travel goals this year, there are still ways to afford the cost. If you’re able to manage them responsibly, and within your means, vacation loans are available to cover your expenses. We have compiled four types of loans you can consider.

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Covering the Basics for Your First Boat Camping Trip

Covering the Basics for Your First Boat Camping Trip

When people think of camping they instantly think of throwing up a tent on a (hopefully) flat piece of ground, surrounded by nature, engulfed by starry skies, and (hopefully!) without too much wildlife in your food supplies.

But another form of camping is starting to trend, by the edge of the water; on the water!

Whether you keep your boat by the shore and do camp on the coastline, or throw down your anchor with a cabin inside, here are some simple tips for covering the basics of boat camping if it’s your first time.

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3 Tips To Avoid Paying Too Much For Travel Insurance

3 Tips To Avoid Paying Too Much For Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is something every avid traveler needs to deal with. It is crucial for making sure we don’t lose out on the thousands of dollars we spend on international trips.

Without it, you could find yourself in debt after a ruined vacation. But many people are unaware of what insurance they need – and even what they already have, meaning they often pay too much.

To avoid overspending, you need a clearer idea of what is covered by your current policies and what travel insurance covers. Here are 3 tips to help you spend wisely!

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Staying in a Hotel VS Couchsurfing: Pros and Cons

Staying in a Hotel VS Couchsurfing: Pros and Cons

When we think of all the factors around accommodation, and what we consider when choosing a place to stay, there are a few key things it boils down to: cost, location, safety, and level of comfort.

Staying at a hotel vs Сouchsurfing is the very definition of traditional vs new age accommodation; the sharing economy (couchsurfing) has completely dirupted the travel industry since the early 2000’s, and now there are a huge range of alternatives to the traditional hotel model.

But that’s not to say that hotels have lost their relevenace, in fact, they’re still as popular as ever.

Each of these ‘ways to stay’ has their pros and cons, and neither has to be an exclusive choice / travel style; ie you may decide to stay in a hotel for one trip, and that courchsurfing suits your purposes for another.

Comparing the two and trying to decide which one will suit you? Let’s delve in to see the pros and cons of both options.

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How to Spend $100 a Day in Madrid

How to Spend $100 a Day in Madrid

When it comes to exploring Europe on a budget, it’s very hard to beat Madrid. One of the cheapest cities in Western Europe, though one of the richest when it comes to history, architecture, culture, and food, the Spanish capital is a dream budget trip.

It’s absolutely possible to spend as little as $100 a day in Madrid, including your transport, accommodation, activities, and food. While often overshadowed by Barcelona, Madrid is packed with free museums, impromptu street performances, and delicious tapas – which are often free too!

Visiting Europe but only have $100 a day? Madrid is for you!

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3 Tips To Avoid Paying Too Much For Travel Insurance

How to Score Cheap Airfare Flights in 9 Simple Steps

Are you in dire need of a vacation right now? If so, get ready for a week off while you’re exploring hundreds of aggregators, booking sites, and airline websites to score cheap tickets for your next holiday!

Sound familiar?

Airline tickets usually don’t come cheap, so those of us who scour the web in search of cheap flights usually put in a considerable amount of time to find them.

But time is money too, so here are some tried-and-tested strategies that will help you discover cheap flights faster than you’re used to.

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Should You Use a Debit Card or Credit Card When You’re Traveling?

Remember to Budget for These Unexpected Travel Expenses

Taking off on an adventure is always a thrilling experience. It provides a break away from the burden of work and offers an opportunity to discover new destinations and experience new adventures.

However, sometimes the best travel plans don’t always pan out because unexpected travel expenses may throw off your budget and adversely impact your trip.

These unexpected travel expenses range from several things: from last-minute purchases to hotel reservations and emergencies. Our advice? Remember to budget for them!

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Should You Use a Debit Card or Credit Card When You’re Traveling?

Essential Tips for Traveling on a Budget

International travel may be taking off once again, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have the budget to book a holiday overseas.

Many of us have seen our incomes take a hit during the pandemic, which probably has you wondering how you can work in some vacation time without racking up too much debt.

While international travel can be expensive, there are many ways you can cut down on costs. Often, it just takes a little more planning, creativity, and sacrifice.

There are dozens of ways you can still manage to enjoy a getaway without having to be stressed about how you’ll pay it off later. Here are my top dozen ways you can travel on a budget post lockdown.

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Most Beautiful and Unique Campsites in Europe

Most Beautiful and Unique Campsites in Europe

We often picture camping as simply pitching a tent in the middle of the woods somewhere, but many of today’s European campsites offer a whole lot more.

Whether you do indeed enjoy roughing it a bit in the wild or are looking for more of a glamping type experience possibly along the Mediterranean with no lack of amenities, there’s a campsite to suit any personality.

From camping on a nearly deserted English island or high in the Swiss Alps to not even having to camp in the great outdoors at all, Europe offers the chance to enjoy some pretty crazy campsites. Here’s a look at some of the most notably beautiful and rather unique campsites worth a visit.

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The Benefits of Going on a Local Staycation

The Benefits of Going on a Local Staycation

While I readily admit I have a preference for international travel, there’s nothing stopping me nor anyone else from experiencing a rewarding vacation right in their own backyard.

Staycations are a great option for travelers who may be short on time, have limited finances, or when there’s a global pandemic that forces a country to ban its citizens from traveling internationally as I’m currently facing.

While a staycation may not seem as exciting as holidaying in a far flung exotic destination, there are a number of benefits from holidaying at home. So why not consider staying within your own locale and take advantage of what your own city or town can offer.

There’s never been a better time to embrace staycations. The current pandemic has seen many countries close their borders to tourists and many of us have taken a financial hit due to ongoing lockdowns and restrictions.

Whether you simply don’t have the means to travel internationally right now or don’t feel motivated to deal with the many Covid-related travel regulations and restrictions that have been imposed around the globe, consider planning a staycation and realize for yourself why it may be a rather enticing idea.

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Should I Get an Air Mattress for Camping?

Should I Get an Air Mattress for Camping?

Many people shudder at the thought of camping, despite the fact most of us thoroughly enjoy spending time in the great outdoors. We have sadly become too accustomed to having modern-day conveniences like a comfortable bed, electricity, and running water!

There are however, a number of ways to make camping an enjoyable and relatively comfortable experience. So if you’ve been putting off that camping trip out of fear of having to endure an unbearable sleepless night, fear not! Camping comfortably is indeed possible and often starts with investing in a quality air mattress.

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Spend the Night on an Archaeological Dig Site: Sydney Harbour YHA Hostel Review

Spend the Night on an Archaeological Dig Site: Sydney Harbour YHA Hostel Review

As far as budget accommodation goes in Sydney, you can’t find a hostel with a better reputation than the Sydney Harbour YHA.

With a killer location, killer facilities, and that million dollar view (think sushi from a rooftop terrace directly overlooking the Bridge and Opera House), booking a room is the best choice you’ll make.

But not only is the hostel clean, affordable, friendly, with spacious, stylish communal areas and all the amenities you’d expect from a modern hostel, it also wraps around the archaeological remains of colonial Sydney.

The Big Dig Archaeological Site is an area of land with archaeological remains from the late 18th century, the time of Australia’s first European settlement. The excavations are part of the hostel itself, and this remains one of the largest urban archaeological dig sites in Australia.

With rooms built around the excavated foundations of over 30 homes and shops from 1795, and artifacts on display throughout it’s halls, this is one of few opportunities in the world to spend the night on an archaeological dig site.

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