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Essential Apps for Financial Side Hustles While Traveling

Essential Apps for Financial Side Hustles While Traveling

Being a young adult in 2024 can often seem overwhelming. We have seen inflation spiral out of control which has made it nearly impossible to make significant headway in terms of saving up for a house or paying off debt. Wages definitely aren’t increasing as rapidly as costs are, and our world seems more and more like it is designed to frustrate young people. With all this stress, it’s no wonder young adults are looking for an escape and one way to do that is to travel the world, possibly in search of living a lifestyle where the cost of living is more bearable on a day-to-day basis. There has been an online and social media-driven resurgence over the past decade for the desire to travel long-term. If you’re considering jumping on the bandwagon and wish to travel the world in search of happiness or to de-stress, let’s look at some financial side hustles you can do to earn a living and keep costs down during your travels.

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How To Streamline Your Move Abroad: A Guide for Solo Travelers

How To Streamline Your Move Abroad: A Guide for Solo Travelers

Traveling internationally as a solo traveler is challenging enough, but actually planning a long term move abroad as opposed to simply spending a few days or weeks in a destination can be a rather stressful albeit an exciting experience. An international move can expand your horizons, challenge your comfort zones, and redefine notions of home and belonging. If you’re a solo traveler preparing to take the plunge into expat life, you may want to check out my tips for streamlining your move abroad as you embrace the thrill of the unknown and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. From mastering the logistics of relocating abroad to learning the art of resilience and navigating the intricacies of cultural integration, my hope is to equip you with some helpful tools and insights to ensure a successful relocation abroad.

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Traveling Abroad as a College Student: Study Abroad Programs and Cultural Immersion

Traveling Abroad as a College Student: Study Abroad Programs and Cultural Immersion

College students have always been drawn to international travel to expand their horizons and further their studies. And this desire has become a reality through study abroad programs.

Study abroad programs are a fantastic way to seek immersion in a different culture, earn academic credit, and forge lifelong memories. And it’s a unique oppotunity to live in a foreign country with support of established institutions – ie your university – support which is not available after graduation.

Having done 3 study abroad programs myself during my 5 year degree, today we’ll look at the advantages of studying abroad, the value of cultural exposure, and how these experiences might influence your academic and personal development.

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Best Things to do in Prague

Best Things to do in Prague

Despite its popularity, Prague is surprisingly not as touristy as would be expected, sporting a fresh young vibe with many recent renovations such as with the National Museum and State Opera, as well as a bunch of new projects being unveiled since we were all forced into lockdown. Always popular with international travelers, Prague ranks as one of the top ten most visited European cities. Here is just a sampling of some of the best things to see and do in Prague.

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How to Overcome Homesickness after Moving Overseas

How to Overcome Homesickness after Moving Overseas

Whether you find yourself moving to another country for work, school, volunteering, or to be with your international love, it’s common to feel a sense of homesickness at some point.

Despite the excitement of moving abroad, it’s common to feel a sense of loss being away from home and anxiety from trying to adjust to your new surroundings.

While many expats experience homesickness, the causes and emotional / physical impacts are different for each person; from acute emotional distress all the way to an almost debilitating depression which can impact your health.

Whether you’re taking up a lucrative employment offer in London or Dubai or simply researched incredible Bangkok condos for rent, understand that no one is fully immune to homesickness.

The key to dealing with homesickness is to be able to recognize the feelings and work through them, rather than trying to ignore or prevent them.

Feeling homesick is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of, and there are a number of strategies that will help you to better cope with the various effects of homesickness.

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4 Tax Tips for J-1 Visa Holders

4 Tax Tips for J-1 Visa Holders

An exchange program in the United States can be a life-changing experience. You get the opportunity to gain valuable skills and knowledge and get a taste of the American way of life. But there’s also one thing you shouldn’t forget: your J-1 visa tax return.

The Exchange Visitor Program has allowed millions of people from every corner of the world to work, study, and live in the United States. Visitors who enter the U.S. through this program, also known as J-1 visa holders, are subject to federal and state laws – including taxes.

Here’s a quick guide to taxes for J-1 visa holders, including what taxes to pay, what forms to file, and everything in between.

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How Students Can Make the Most Out of Travel in 2021

How Students Can Make the Most Out of Travel in 2021

The previous year hasn’t been great the travel industry, but things do look better for 2021. And for students who’ve spent their past year studying in isolation, there’s no doubt you’ll be itching to get out on the road.

Especially now that most colleges and universities have more fully embraced online learning, once borders reopen, it’s going to be a lot easier than before to plan travel while you’re studying.

Of course, even if there is greater flexibility it’s still important to balance out the excitement of travel with prioritizing your studies (ie don’t plan a trip at the time of the exams, make sure you stay on top of all deadlines, and if you need any assistance, like essay help or remote access to lectures, do all the preparations beforehand).

But definitely don’t miss out on the opportunity to make the most of travel this coming year – after-all, not all classrooms have four walls!

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How Students Can Make the Most Out of Travel in 2021

5 Ways to Make Travel Look Good on Your Resume

With fierce competition for the same jobs these days, it’s very easy to get swept up in the mindset of “I’ll travel later”, not wanting to leave a gap in your resume.

It’s long been thought that a large gap in your resume will mean being treated unfavorably by a prospective employer – especially if your explanation for the gap is “I was traveling the world”.

Though here’s some news – travel may actually boost your employability. As long as you can explain the benefits of your travel experience to a potential employer it could actually help your resume stand out, and improve your chances of being shortlisted for an interview.

But travel isn’t as novel as it used to be, so how can you properly market your time abroad to make your skills and experiences look good?

Screenshot of my actual personal resume, after traveling for 7 years, is at the end of the post.

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Discounts You Can Get With the International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

Discounts You Can Get With the International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

There’s no doubt that traveling as a student is one of the most exciting ways to add to your studies, and one of the most enriching ways to gain life experience, and broaden your perspectives and global knowledge.

Though it’s often tough traveling as a student – not just because you’re often juggling your travels with essays, deadlines and assignments, and not just because you’re limited to only being able to travel during semester breaks.

The toughest thing about traveling as a student is often the money! Actually being able to afford to travel, because when you’re studying full time, you’re not always capable of earning!

And that’s exactly why most countries offer student discounts.

If you want to get student discounts abroad, the key thing you’ll need is an internationally recognized student ID. Your ID from home might work, but don’t count on it.

While there are several student cards offering discounts around the world, the best known card is the International Student Identity Card (ISIC). This is the only internationally recognised proof of full-time student status issued in close to 130 countries.

Flashing these cards means access to some great discounts abroad, and you can easily save hundreds of dollars when you total it up! Wondering what discounts you can get with the ISIC? Read on!

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Travel Discounts for Students: How to Get Them!

Travel Discounts for Students: How to Get Them!

There are many things to think about when you’re traveling as a student – which destinations throw the best parties, which might further enrich your studies, and, before you leave, making sure your essays are all submitted.

But one of the biggest considerations is your budget.

At home, you’re probably used to taking advantage of student discounts to get you through each week – clothes, movie tickets, transportation – often students get a 10 – 20% discount to reduce the burden on the cost of living.

But this is something you can also apply to traveling!

Many countries around the world (most actually!) offer student discounts, which can greatly reduce the cost of travel. And depending on the country you can get these discounts on everything from flights, to ground transport, and attractions.

So, read on for how to get them!

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Must Visit Cities in Europe for Student Holidays

Must Visit Cities in Europe for Student Holidays

Whether you’re studying in Europe, or taking a short semester abroad, there are plenty of destinations across the continent that are perfect for short weekend breaks, or student holidays.

With plenty of budget accommodation, cheap travel, and a thriving young backpacker scene, Europe is the perfect place to explore as a student – even if you’re quite broke and have limited money!

You’re quite blessed as a student in Europe, because you’ll never be short of cities to visit, and exciting travel opportunities. And, a lot of the time, your trips can actually tie into your studies (Europe is a hub of everything from history to architecture, to world politics!).

Looking for inspiration on cities you should visit during a semester break or school holiday? You can’t go wrong with the following.

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How To Get the Most Out of Your Budget as an International Student

How To Get the Most Out of Your Budget as an International Student

There’s a lot to think about if you’re about to become an international student and spend time studying abroad. You have to plan classes, plane tickets, and so much more.

However, the planning doesn’t stop when you are settled into your new home. As you go through your semester abroad you need to be able to budget your money wisely so you can get as much out of your stay as possible.

Being on a budget is never easy. It especially isn’t easy if you are a young student, itching to spend your whole time exploring a new country. But just because you are on a budget doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy your overseas semester to the fullest.

With these tips, you will be able to balance life so you don’t go over budget.

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Pre Departure Checklist: Everything You Need to Organize Before Leaving to Study Abroad

Pre Departure Checklist: Everything You Need to Organize Before Leaving to Study Abroad

Student exchange is one of the most worthwhile experiences available in colleges and universities today, though preparing to study abroad isn’t something which happens overnight. The planning involved before your departure can often take a few months, though that’s not to mean you should be discouraged – studying abroad will without a doubt rank as one of the most amazing experiences of your life, and while your list of “to-dos” may appear long to begin with, most of the time it’s the case of being full with small, but very important items.

Use the following pre-depature checklist and you’ll be fine – this is a list of everything you need to organize before leaving to study abroad!

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The Best Way to Juggle International Travel While Studying Full Time

The Best Way to Juggle International Travel While Studying Full Time

Traveling the world while studying full-time probably doesn’t sound the least bit realistic, but for those wanting to complete their studies while dabbling in a bit of international travel, the good news is that achieving this is absolutely possible.

With so many colleges and universities now offering flexible online degrees, combining higher education with a desire to travel the world is becoming more and more doable. An increasing number of students are finding it easy to study and be location-independent while completing their courses.

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Debunking the Myths of Student Travel

Debunking the Myths of Student Travel

Travelling in your early twenties is becoming quite fashionable these days, but there are still many who are sceptical about the hype.

Whether you’re a sceptical student or the parent of a wanderlust-riddled twenty something, don’t worry: we’re not here to annoyingly convert you, we just want you to see the other side of the coin with these common myths.

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The Adventurous Life of a Student Volunteer

The Adventurous Life of a Student Volunteer

Our time volunteering in Costa Rica during January 2012, allowed us to take part in animal welfare projects around the country. Here is a brief overview of our project as put together by filmmaker Keira Austin. The benefit of volunteering as an International Student Volunteer was that at the end of our two week conservation project we were treated to a two week adventure tour of the country!

Click here to watch a full 15 minute documentary of our time as environmental conservationists.

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