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Family Travel

Worldschooling: How to Teach Your Children on the Road

Posted by on 5:57 pm in Blog, Expat Life, Family Travel | 0 comments

Worldschooling: How to Teach Your Children on the Road

Everyone is familiar with the term homeschooling, but how about Worldschooling? The latest buzz word in alternative education. But what exactly is it?

Worldschooling is not just a method of education, but instead is an all-encompassing whole family lifestyle choice. Some people choose to live like this for a few months of the year while they go travelling, others make it a way of life. It’s all about learning from the real world. It is experiencing different cultures, places, people, food, history and societies while travelling and it can be an incredible enriching education.

If you dream of travelling but think it’s not possible until your children are grown and have finished their formal education you might want to think again! But how does Worldschooling work, and can it work for your family? How should you teach your children on while you are on the road?

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Dirt Biking for Kids: What to Know & Where to Go

Posted by on 10:39 am in Adventure Travel, Blog, Family Travel | 6 comments

Dirt Biking for Kids: What to Know & Where to Go

Sales of dirt bikes have surged since the pandemic hit. This is one adventure that can be enjoyed anywhere in the world, and kids as young as three are getting in on the action, making it a great activity to enjoy as a family.

With just a few months to go before I give birth to my first baby boy, I’m already worried about what kind of mischief he will get up to; balls in the house, skateboarding accidents, and viral social media challenges like the recent Tik Tok Milk Crate Challenge.

At first, the thought of dirt bikes terrified me, but after reading up I found that they are actually quite safe and a great way to get your kids outside and away from staring at screens.

Like anything, it’s about being prepared rather than preventing your child from experiences. Learning to ride a dirt bike at a young age can set up your child for better success when it comes to driving a vehicle later on, and can be a rather safe activity with the right equipment and teaching your kids the correct safety procedures.

If your child has shown interest in dirt bikes, here are some things I learned which will help get them prepared to ride and kick start their dream of exploring the world on two wheels.

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Top 5 Cruise Destinations in the U.S.A

Posted by on 10:49 am in Blog, Family Travel, Luxury Lifestyle, United States | 2 comments

Top 5 Cruise Destinations in the U.S.A

As cruise companies begin to successfully relaunch voyages around the world, it’s time to think about cruise holidays again. And especially if you’re a bit rusty when it comes to planning out vacations, you can make things easy on yourself and book a cruise where everything is taken care of for you.

Fully vaccinated travelers are now able to embark on a range of exciting cruises departing the U.S. whether you’re looking to explore the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, California and Baja Mexico, Florida and the Caribbean, or Hawaii.
While some cruises enforce the use of masks for certain areas of the ship, everything else is pretty much as normal, with endless dining, entertainment, activities, and of course shore excursions all available.

We all need an easy holiday right now, so leave it to cruise lines to manage everything for you including your meals, transport, activities, and daily full-service housekeeping.

Whether you’re into wildlife, food, shopping, scuba diving, or archaeological ruins, there’s a cruise to suit any personality. Here’s a deeper look into the top five cruise destinations within the U.S. to get you inspired.

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Tips for Filling Your Downtime on a Trip to Walt Disney World

Posted by on 4:45 pm in Family Travel, United States | 2 comments

Tips for Filling Your Downtime on a Trip to Walt Disney World

When one thinks of Orlando, it’s pretty hard not to envision Disney World. Being Orlando’s most visited attraction, Disney World sees more than 20 million visitors per year.

But is there more to Orlando than just Disney and the other theme parks like Universal and Discovery Cove?

If you’re wondering how to fill any downtime in Orlando when the theme parks may be closed or when you simply need a break from Mickey, there are thankfully a number of non-Disney things to keep you entertained.

Try checking out these other great nearby attractions to fill any downtime you may have.

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How to Make Family Travel More Enjoyable

Posted by on 2:04 pm in Blog, Family Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

How to Make Family Travel More Enjoyable

Some of our most cherished childhood memories are often family vacations. Travel is a great way to strengthen family bonds and open your kids’ eyes to new ideas and cultures. However, traveling with children can prove quite unpredictable and despite your best intentions can end up leaving everyone stressed if you don’t know effective ways to avoid it.

There’s no shortage of online advice out there focusing on the world’s best family-friendly destinations or money saving tips for families looking to travel on a budget, but there isn’t a lot of guidance on ways to make your family trips more enjoyable for everyone.

There is actually scientific research that has proven taking vacations together can bring families closer and make them happier. Vacations allow us to remove many of the distractions that plague our everyday lives, allowing parents and children the opportunity to communicate with each other and enjoy experiences together without all the normal stresses.

Of course a family vacation can also create conflict if not done properly. This is why it pays to understand some of the best ways you can experience a successful family trip together.

Here are some helpful tips on how you can create positive long-lasting travel memories for you and your family.

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Ultimate Singapore Travel Guide for First-Timers

Posted by on 8:05 pm in Blog, Family Travel, Food, Singapore | 0 comments

Ultimate Singapore Travel Guide for First-Timers

The phrase “caters to every type of traveler” has become an increasingly overused cliché when it comes to describing destinations. While there may be a number of cities that fulfill the needs of different travel personalities, there are a rather limited number of cities that can really claim to be a leader in so many travel categories.

But whether you’re a business traveler, backpacker, foodie, adventure seeker, eco-tourist, or traveling as a family, you’re guaranteed to love Singapore.

As one of the world’s top 5 most visited cities, Singapore has managed to create a safe, vibrant, and state of the art city. It’s also a “green city” where many of its buildings and skyscrapers have been transformed into living gardens.

This culturally diverse city has become a hub for business travelers, offers plenty of parks and attractions for families, is a melting pot of exotic culinary flavors, offers world-class shopping, and still somehow manages to conserve tracts of nature filled with wildlife.

If you’ve never been to Singapore, check out this Singapore travel guide for first-timers to get the low-down on where to stay, eat, shop, and play (and join this Singapore Facebook Group for travel planning).

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Reasons to Move to Anaheim California

Posted by on 9:53 am in Blog, Family Travel, United States | 0 comments

Reasons to Move to Anaheim California

When one thinks of Anaheim, Disneyland is often the first thing that comes to mind. There are, however, many more reasons why people are finding Anaheim the “happiest place on earth” and are choosing to relocate here.

There has been a large increase in the desire for many resident Californians to migrate out of larger cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego in favor of smaller and safer cities like Anaheim.

California’s larger cities like L.A. are starting to become plagued by unbearable traffic, overcrowding, and homelessness which has only been exacerbated by the current pandemic.

Ask any Anaheim moving company and they will tell you they’ve been working flat out to keep up with the demand for families wanting to relocate to a safer suburban lifestyle. So let’s look at some of the many reasons why Anaheim is an enticing choice for Californians or other Americans looking to escape life in the big city!

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Keeping Your Family Vacations Conflict-Free

Posted by on 1:58 pm in Blog, Family Travel | 0 comments

Keeping Your Family Vacations Conflict-Free

Family vacations can be fantastic bonding experiences. Traveling to exciting locales, seeing interesting sights, and trying new things with your tribe can bring everyone closer together and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Unfortunately though, as is often the case when families spend a substantial amount of time together, vacations can quickly become hindered by passive-aggressiveness, crankiness and hurt feelings. The stresses of travel get taken out on each other!

Luckily, nipping these issues in the bud doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. Families who want their next big trip to be free of conflict would be wise to heed the following pointers.

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Essential Survival Tips For Nomad Families

Posted by on 1:05 pm in Expat Life, Family Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

Essential Survival Tips For Nomad Families

The idea of becoming a nomad family is inherently romantic, and an idea that lots of households toy with, yet seldom take the plunge.

Of course, it requires a certain degree of courage to take the kids out of school, take a sabbatical from work and travel the globe with your little ones, earning and educating your kids as you go – but the decision can be an incredible one!

If you’ve made the decision to spend time as a nomad family, (perhaps you want to get away for a while you build a house, or just take a year off), we’re 100% behind you – you’re about to give your kids the best education in the world!

Of course though, that’s not to say that the life of the nomad family is all sunshine and smiles. Just as there will be incredible experiences and life-changing moments, you’re also likely to run into your fair share of learning curves.

As such, here are some essential survival tips for keeping the whole family happy, healthy and as far from one another’s throats as possible while on the road!

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Tips for Planning a Family / Group Vacation on a Budget

Posted by on 1:32 pm in Blog, Budget Travel, Family Travel | 6 comments

Tips for Planning a Family / Group Vacation on a Budget

According to a study done in 2018, the average cost per person was just over $1,000 when planning vacations. This may be fine if you’re traveling solo, or as a couple, but can become quite expensive for the whole family or a group of people.

Taking family vacations, or traveling with a group, can be a great way to break up your daily routine, and these types of trips have invaluable benefits when it comes to bonding.

But many people hold back because of the money.

So, whether you’re a couple with three kids, dreaming of a Eurotrip with your 5 best girlfriends, or planning a full scale family reunion, the following are our best tips for planning a budget friendly group vacation.

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