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Family Travel

How to Make the Most of SeaWorld Orlando

Posted by on 3:02 pm in Family Travel | 0 comments

How to Make the Most of SeaWorld Orlando

Florida has many great tourist attractions, but if you want to see cute otters and ride a fun coaster immediately afterward, SeaWorld Orlando is the perfect spot to choose!

SeaWorld Orlando receives over 4M tourists each year, so you can’t expect things will go smoothly without thinking things ahead.

While the location is huge, you will have to stay in line for rides, wait your turn to see the penguins, and you may get squeezed out of events if you don’t have a plan of attack. Here’s how to make one!

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8 Tips for a Successful Camping Trip with Your Family

Posted by on 9:44 pm in Blog, Family Travel | 0 comments

8 Tips for a Successful Camping Trip with Your Family

The wilderness can provide the perfect opportunity to bond with family members or friends. As a family, camping can teach children valuable skills such as survival techniques and respect for others. But if you’re a novice to camping, it is always advisable to prepare.

There are many essential items that you should take before heading into the wilds of Mother Nature, and especially when going on a camping trip with family, the last thing you want to do is forget any essentials. You may spend most of your holiday looking for where you left something instead of enjoying yourself.

If you intend on taking the whole family out into the woods this summer, here are 8 tips to ensure that your trip will be fun, relaxing, and safe.

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Raising a Confident World Traveler

Posted by on 11:57 am in Blog, Family Travel | 0 comments

Raising a Confident World Traveler

Raising a child who loves to travel and also appreciates and respects other cultures is essential in an increasingly global community.

While traveling to other countries used to be reserved for families with wealth, traveling on a budget now means that globetrotting is within reach for families on any budget.

How do you prepare your kids for a life filled with possibilities and adventure? By starting young and making travel a part of their upbringing.

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10 California Family Road Trip Stops: From San Francisco to San Diego

Posted by on 6:52 am in Blog, Family Travel, Road Trips, United States | 0 comments

10 California Family Road Trip Stops: From San Francisco to San Diego

Thinking about taking a family road trip between San Francisco and San Diego? There are a number of great travel destinations to explore in this region, and no matter what your family’s interests are, there are a huge range of fantastic places to visit.

With so much to see and do, you’ll want to make an itinerary before you pack up the van. Van, you say? There’s truly no other way to take a family road trip in comfort and style, and vanlife has become one of the biggest family travel trends since the pandemic.

Spanning just over 500 miles, there are so many attractions to check out during a San Francisco to San Diego road trip. In fact, you might not even be able to find time for everything!

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3 Tips for Traveling With a Small Child

Posted by on 3:15 pm in Blog, Family Travel | 0 comments

3 Tips for Traveling With a Small Child

It’s been an eye opening experience, recently traveling for the first time with our first child. Traveling with a small child in tow is completely different to traveling when you’re alone, as you’re now not only managing yourself, but also the mood, timing, and wellbeing of your new little human.

With disruptions to their routine, young children can very easily become cranky and difficult to manage, but some prior planning can make the journey a lot smoother for everyone.

While I’m sure there will be an ongoing learning curve as we continue to travel with Alexander in tow, the following are 3 tips which came in incredibly handy on our first flight with a 4 month old.

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Best Ways To Entertain Kids While Traveling

Posted by on 5:44 am in Blog, Family Travel | 0 comments

Best Ways To Entertain Kids While Traveling

A long journey with a child in a car can be a challenge if you don’t think in advance about how to have fun with them. In a car or on an airplane, the little fidget is limited in movement, but they will definitely want to “act.”

Adults have to be especially inventive in keeping a child’s mind occupied. But there are plenty of options apart from playing in I-spy!

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Factors to Consider When Buying a Kids Scooter

Posted by on 4:07 am in Family Travel | 0 comments

Factors to Consider When Buying a Kids Scooter

Scooters have become the new trendiest way to explore, and many destinations are now offering them alongside bike rentals and walking tours.

But if you’re traveling as a family and planning to scoot around Paris or Rome, that does mean that your kids should know how to ride one.

If you don’t have a scooter at home, but want them to get in practice before you travel, we’re here to help with a scooter buying guide; everything you need to consider from cost to safety.

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8 Travel Tips to Survive a Long Road Trip

Posted by on 9:23 am in Blog, Family Travel, Road Trips, Travel Tips | 0 comments

8 Travel Tips to Survive a Long Road Trip

Recent surveys have shown that 70% of Americans are planning to take a road trip this holiday season instead of flying, and the story is similar in other countries around the world. Despite fuel prices being quite high, people are ditching wings in favor of four rubber tires as air travel becomes more of a hassle thanks to the pandemic.

They say life is about the journey and not the destination, and that definitely rings true with road tripping. But a poorly planned road trip filled with boredom and preventable hiccups can easily ruin your road trip holiday.

With many of us planning longer road trips this holiday season and well into 2022, I thought I’d offer some tips on how you can survive the journey whether traveling solo or with family and friends.

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Traveling with a Family Member Who Suffers from a Disability or Mental Illness

Posted by on 1:27 pm in Blog, Family Travel, Healthy Travel | 0 comments

Traveling with a Family Member Who Suffers from a Disability or Mental Illness

Traveling can be stressful for anyone, but for those suffering from a physical disability or mental illness it can be exponentially more difficult. Many with disabilities or mental disorders rely on the support of an accompanying family member or friend when traveling to ensure they can enjoy their travels and stay safe.

Travel is something that should be enjoyed by everyone and no longer is having a disability or mental illness stopping people from seeing the world. Having a physical or mental disability may mean you have to do a bit more planning and take extra precautions, but it can be done, especially with the assistance of a family member or friend who travels with you.

If you’re that family member or friend that will be traveling with someone that suffers from a physical or mental disability, there are a number of things to be aware of when booking your travel and to ensure their safety and wellbeing during your trip.

Here is some helpful advice that will allow you both to travel with less stress and anxiety and hopefully enjoy a successful holiday.

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Pet-Friendly Travel: What to Consider Before Traveling with Your Dog or Cat

Posted by on 3:07 pm in Blog, Family Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

Pet-Friendly Travel: What to Consider Before Traveling with Your Dog or Cat

There’s a lot to consider when traveling including finding the best rates on flights and hotels, what to pack, and what tours or activities to book.

For people with pets, there are even more issues to think about such as whether you’ll be taking your dog or cat to a kennel/cattery or will they tag along with you during your travels.

Traveling with your pet can be a great experience albeit sometimes a bit of a challenge. If you’re considering taking your beloved dog or cat with you on your next holiday or are looking for tips to make traveling with your pet an easier and more pleasant experience, here are some important things to consider.

Read on for information on the differences between an ESA and a regular pet, advice on taking your pet on road trips, flying with your pet, booking pet-friendly accommodation, and what to pack for them.

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