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How to Make Money While Traveling

Everyone knows that traveling costs money, but what is sometimes overlooked is the fact that you can find ways to make cash while traveling too.

On your next adventure, consider some of these easy and even fun ways to add some money to your wallet. With more to spend, you may even want to extend your trip for a while!

Work at a Hostel

Many travelers—especially backpackers—turn to hostels for cheaper accommodations. But what they don’t realize is that hostels sometimes hire those passing through.

If you’re planning to stay put for a little while, nab one of these jobs. You’ll likely meet a ton of people, which can lead to even more jobs and new experiences.

Develop a Blog

It may not be very lucrative at first, but if you’re an avid traveler, you may as well start your own blog. All you have to do is write about what you’re already experiencing.

You won’t start out making money, but it’s something you can do easily from the road and, if it takes off, you’ll be able to make some extra cash to fund your travels.

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Help Build Things

Many worldwide destinations are experiencing growth, with new houses and businesses popping up all over the place. That being said, those who work in construction are always a necessity.

Labour hire is an easy way to find quick projects that pay well—and you’ll still have your nights free to explore the city after the workday ends.

Sell Arts & Crafts

Whether you’re in an urban city center or a small town, local markets are a main staple of most societies. Find something creative that you can craft with your own two hands then link up with a market to sell it.

If you create something especially unique that appeals to locals, you’ll have a better chance of capturing their interests and making money from the venture.

Rent Your Car Out

While this is harder to do and depends entirely where your home base is, there are a variety of new companies and apps that will allow you to rent your car out while you’re traveling.

It sounds a little scary, but if it’s going to be sitting in an airport parking lot, why not? These companies typically offer insane amounts of insurance so you’re covered if something happens, but they also pay you for the use of the car and cover your parking rates as well.

Iceland car truck

Photo CC Moyan Brenn

Become a Driver

This option may be a little more difficult, depending on whether or not you have a work visa, but consider finding a job as a driver. If you have an international driver’s license, you may be able to become a taxi or shuttle driver.

This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the layout of the area and see more of it through the windows while you’re working.

Reveal Your Talents

Many cities welcome street entertainment so consider revealing your hidden talents. Whether it’s busking as a guitarist, juggling or singing, see how much extra cash you can get by simply being yourself.

Sell Goods Online

Use websites like eBay to sell some of your goods online. Since you may not have a lot with you while traveling, this can be things that are easily replaceable, like clothing, or things you don’t plan on using.

You can also list some of the items you gather during your travels, giving those in other countries a chance to grab some unique things.

Give a Lecture

If you’re a specialist on any topic, reach out to those who may find your knowledge relevant. Whether it’s at a local university, a conference room at a hotel or on a cruise ship, many places will pay for guest lectures.

You may have to spend some time prepping, but if you know the subject well enough, it’s easy to do some quick planning and talk about what you already know.

Work in the Travel Industry

Finding work while traveling is one thing, but making travel you work is a different thing entirely. Get a job as a flight attendant or an employee on a cruise ship.

That way, you’ll be traveling the world for work already—but you’ll get discounts or possibly free trips on your days off. As a member of the travel industry, traveling is made much easier.

Megan is an Australian Journalist who has been travelling and blogging since 2007, with the main aim of inspiring others to embark on their own worldwide adventure. Her husband Mike is an American travel photographer, and together they have made the world their home.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

Follow their journey on Facebook, TwitterYouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.

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