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Experiences to Make You Foodgasm

4 Superfoods to Take Before and During Your Next Trip Abroad

Posted by on 10:49 am in Blog, Food, Healthy Travel | 4 comments

4 Superfoods to Take Before and During Your Next Trip Abroad

Eating healthy both before and during your travels will do wonders for keeping both your mind and body sharp, and one way to make sure you’re getting proper nutrition is to incorporate various superfoods into your diet.

You’ve likely heard about a number of popular superfoods including acai berries, avocados, kale, turmeric, and ginger among the line up of foods that are super-charged with health benefits. Foods such as these which have garnered the title of being a superfood are often packed with healthy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which can help to boost things like energy, focus, and stamina while also aiding your immune system to function as it should be.

Travel really can affect both your mental and physical health in substantial ways thanks to jetlag and adjusting to new time zones, falling into new sleep and eating patterns, exhaustion, and being exposed to new allergens and pathogens.

In order to give your body and mind the best chance of staying healthy, stick to a well balanced diet and try incorporating some of these lesser-known superfoods you may not be familiar with the next time you travel.

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Foody Essentials for Your Next Road Trip

Posted by on 3:40 pm in Blog, Food, Healthy Travel, Road Trips | 0 comments

Foody Essentials for Your Next Road Trip

You’re nearly ready to hit the open road, feel the wind in your hair and see what adventures lie waiting for you. Road tripping is one of the best ways to explore and see parts of a country you might have not seen before.

You’ve got your road trip playlist all sorted and most importantly you have checked your vehicle and you’re nearly ready to drive off into the sunset.

Don’t forget about the food though! Here are some delicious food ideas to take with you on your next road trip.

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4 Reasons Why Lion’s Mane is Special

Posted by on 5:10 pm in Food, Healthy Travel | 4 comments

4 Reasons Why Lion’s Mane is Special

While you might think the name ‘Lion’s Mane’ refers to some type of African safari, it’s actually one of the newest superfoods to come out of North America, China, Japan, and Europe.

Named because they look like a lion’s mane as they grow (white and shaggy!), this is an edible mushroom that has traditionally been used in both cuisine and medicines in Asian countries like China, India, Japan and Korea.

Now one of the latest food trends and have become known as a superfood, Lion’s Mane mushroom has caught attention worldwide as they are believed to pack a range of positive health benefits and offer a delicious flavor.

If you’re traveling and find a dish with Lion’s Mane on the menu, be sure to take the opportunity to try it. Here are just 4 reasons why Lion’s Mane mushrooms are thought to be so special.

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Ways to Ensure Safe Drinking Water While Traveling

Posted by on 11:03 pm in Blog, Food, Healthy Travel | 2 comments

Ways to Ensure Safe Drinking Water While Traveling

Research has shown that upwards of 80% of diseases worldwide are waterborne, and while developed countries generally treat their public water supplies, this is sadly not always the case with many developing nations.

A range of harmful bacteria including E. coli and salmonella, parasites, and viruses, along with various toxic chemicals, find their way into the drinking water of many countries around the world. Drinking poorly treated or unfiltered water can lead to serious illnesses such as typhoid, cholera, giardia, and hepatitis A just to name a few.

Many of us take having easy access to safe drinking water for granted, but hundreds of millions of people around the world are forced to consume contaminated water that hasn’t been treated properly.

There are also times when even the residents in areas of well-developed countries including the U.S. and Australia will be issued a boil water notice or alert to treat their tap water due to the community’s water supply being contaminated whether it be because of flooding or problems with water treatment plants.

If you’re planning to travel to a destination where the local water is deemed unfit, here are some of the top methods for making sure the water you consume is safe to drink.

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The Five Best Restaurants in Portland

Posted by on 10:32 am in Blog, Food, United States | 0 comments

The Five Best Restaurants in Portland

Portland is one of the most vibrant cities in the U.S. and offers a real hipster hotspot where the likes of coffee, craft beer, and street food take center stage. A city of immigrants and residents who have relocated from other states across America, the cuisine on offer in Portland is needless to say quite varied.

Portland has quickly put itself on the map of top foodie destinations in America. You’ll find everything from local craft breweries and wineries to flavors from India, Russia, and Argentina.

However, one thing most Portland restaurants share is a focus on creating dishes using locally sourced and sustainably-farmed ingredients.

Sadly, the pandemic has already claimed a number of popular spots including Tasty n Daughters and the delicious Thai cuisine of Pok Pok. But until things get back to normal, many of the surviving local restaurants have found ways to offer take-away services or make their in-house dining areas Covid-safe.

These are some of the best restaurants in Portland that have managed to weather the storm and offer some of the finest flavors in the city.

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Tips for Traveling With IBS

Posted by on 11:59 am in Blog, Food, Healthy Travel | 0 comments

Tips for Traveling With IBS

Many people who suffer from IBS-D are afraid to travel in fear they may have an uncontrollable accident while on a plane, in a taxi, or taking a guided tour. Travel can already be quite stressful but when you add the fear of an embarrassing accident, it often becomes too much to bear.

This build-up of anxiety often triggers intense IBS flare-ups which make the symptoms of the disorder much worse. It’s not uncommon for travelers who develop IBS to resign themselves to the belief that they’ll never be able to travel again.

While there is no known cure for IBS, we have come a long way in finding effective ways to reduce the effects of the disorder. And over 10 years of constant trial and error, we personally, have managed to find a way to still travel while managing it.

With a little extra planning and determination you don’t need to spend the rest of your life locked up in the confines of your house. I’ve gathered some of the best tips for traveling with IBS that are currently out there to hopefully get you off the couch!

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How to Eat Healthy Even When You’re on Vacation

Posted by on 10:05 am in Blog, Food, Healthy Travel | 0 comments

How to Eat Healthy Even When You’re on Vacation

Our social media feeds constantly bombard us with delicious food images from travelers all around the world; Instagram alone is flooded with more than a half billion food images.

With all this foodporn going around, it’s hard not to be tempted into overindulging in culinary delights when we ourselves go on holiday. However, all this obsessing over food can have negative impacts to our health when we travel if we’re not careful.

Most of us are well aware of the importance of eating healthy. We make New Year’s resolutions to eat fewer calories or reduce our alcohol intake. Many of us are also motivated to look our best in the lead up to vacations, hitting the gym or cutting the carbs in order to get beach body ready.

From day one of our vacation, however, all that hard work and determination to slim down or eat healthier often comes undone as we begin to splurge on exotic flavors that beckon us like sirens.

While tasting foreign food is definitely one of the best parts of travel for many, it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your healthy eating habits. Check out the following top ways you can eat healthier while on vacation.

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A Craft Whisky Distillery in an 1840’s Coaching Inn: Touring Old Kempton Distillery Tasmania

Posted by on 3:44 pm in Australia, Blog, Food | 0 comments

A Craft Whisky Distillery in an 1840’s Coaching Inn: Touring Old Kempton Distillery Tasmania

Tasmania is world famous for its pure air, clean water, and crisp climate. And if you landed here without context, to our ‘lush crisp landscape battered by chilly seas’, pulled up to an imposing 19th century Coaching Inn, and were handed a single malt whisky, we’d forgive you for drawing parallels to Scotland.

After-all, you need a very stable, cool climate to brew the perfect malt whisky (not even modern climate controlled warehouses are as good as brewing in the perfect natural climate), and some of the purest air and water in the world.

Which is why Scottish Whisky has become so famous.

While both superb locations for making whisky, the difference of Scotland and Tasmania is that the distilling of spirits was outlawed here from 1838 to 1991. Though since the law was overturned Tasmania has experienced a craft malt Whisky revival, and the artisanal Whisky movement has earned the reputation of ‘Scotland Down Under’.

150 years was a long time for Tasmanians to wait between drinks, but the State’s pure ingredients and passionate distillers have more than made up for it since.

And that 19th century Coaching Inn? It exists! It sits at 26 Main St Kempton. 40 minutes from Hobart, the Coaching Inn is now a cellar door, with a distillery you can tour in the convict brick stables.

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Ultimate Singapore Travel Guide for First-Timers

Posted by on 8:05 pm in Blog, Family Travel, Food, Singapore | 0 comments

Ultimate Singapore Travel Guide for First-Timers

The phrase “caters to every type of traveler” has become an increasingly overused cliché when it comes to describing destinations. While there may be a number of cities that fulfill the needs of different travel personalities, there are a rather limited number of cities that can really claim to be a leader in so many travel categories.

But whether you’re a business traveler, backpacker, foodie, adventure seeker, eco-tourist, or traveling as a family, you’re guaranteed to love Singapore.

As one of the world’s top 5 most visited cities, Singapore has managed to create a safe, vibrant, and state of the art city. It’s also a “green city” where many of its buildings and skyscrapers have been transformed into living gardens.

This culturally diverse city has become a hub for business travelers, offers plenty of parks and attractions for families, is a melting pot of exotic culinary flavors, offers world-class shopping, and still somehow manages to conserve tracts of nature filled with wildlife.

If you’ve never been to Singapore, check out this Singapore travel guide for first-timers to get the low-down on where to stay, eat, shop, and play (and join this Singapore Facebook Group for travel planning).

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The Best Ways to Camp With Beverages

Posted by on 7:05 pm in Adventure Travel, Blog, Food | 0 comments

The Best Ways to Camp With Beverages

Beverages are a big part of the camping experience, and there’s often no better way to quench your thirst than with some delicious libations out in the woods!

Sharing a beer after kayaking, sipping a wine as the sun sets, or passing natural weed around the campfire as you strum the guitar and crack some jokes; these are all camping traditions that make the adventure a memorable one.

But when you’re camping with beverages you can get certain things wrong. As such we’ve put together this handy resource.

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