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Expat Life / Living & Working Abroad

* Life Overseas * Digital Nomad Life * Immigration *

United States Tax Requirements for non-Citizen Resellers on Amazon

Posted by on 2:18 pm in Expat Life | 0 comments

United States Tax Requirements for non-Citizen Resellers on Amazon

One of the many ways in which the world is smaller thanks to technology is the ease with which a non-US seller can sell products in the United States. is among the easiest of ways to do this. Though like almost every business venture, there are tax consequences to consider.

The impact on a seller’s taxes depends on a few things, including whether the seller is a business or an individual, and on whether there is a tax treaty agreed between the seller’s country of residence and the United States.

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Why You Should Become a Travel Nurse

Posted by on 1:46 pm in Expat Life, Healthy Travel | 2 comments

Why You Should Become a Travel Nurse

For anyone who loves to travel, the ideal situation is to find a job where you can get paid while traveling the world. Few opportunities let you do this, though even fewer offer a steady wage that allows you to contribute positively to society.

When you think of the best travel jobs, the first job that springs to mind may not be nursing, but this is actually a highly in demand job, all around the world.

The sad fact is that two billion people around the world lack access to basic medicines needed for day-to-day health care, and many more suffer for want of simple surgical procedures. As such, qualified nurses are in high demand in many countries.

If you have a basic level of medical training, you can join one of the charities or international organizations dedicated to providing worldwide health, or you can set aside the prospect of a comfortable US salary and take a job in a developing country where your skills are desperately needed.

Most travel nurse jobs require at least 1 to 1 ½ year of clinical experience. If you’ve got the experience and think it sounds interesting, here are 6 reasons why you should do it!

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Simple Ways To Expand Your Digital Nomad Skills

Posted by on 11:55 am in Expat Life | 0 comments

Simple Ways To Expand Your Digital Nomad Skills

The life of a digital nomad is an inspiring one; the ability to work from anywhere and be your own boss is somewhat of a dream vocation, being able to travel and make money from the road.

But while it’s still a very non traditional career, being that more and more people are looking to become digital nomads, it’s also become somewhat of a competitive vocation.

Being that the world of freelancing means there are remote work opportunities in every industry, and every field, the skill set of the digital nomad is broader than you can imagine; everything from teaching English online, to web coding.

You won’t need to be skilled in every single area or method for making money online, though with a constantly evolving industry, expanding your skill set puts you in the best possible position for being able to sustain the lifestyle.

Wanting to expand your digital nomad skills? We got you covered!

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Essential Survival Tips For Nomad Families

Posted by on 1:05 pm in Expat Life, Family Travel, Travel Tips | 2 comments

Essential Survival Tips For Nomad Families

The idea of becoming a nomad family is inherently romantic, and an idea that lots of households toy with, yet seldom take the plunge.

Of course, it requires a certain degree of courage to take the kids out of school, take a sabbatical from work and travel the globe with your little ones, earning and educating your kids as you go – but the decision can be an incredible one!

If you’ve made the decision to spend time as a nomad family, (perhaps you want to get away for a while you build a house, or just take a year off), we’re 100% behind you – you’re about to give your kids the best education in the world!

Of course though, that’s not to say that the life of the nomad family is all sunshine and smiles. Just as there will be incredible experiences and life-changing moments, you’re also likely to run into your fair share of learning curves.

As such, here are some essential survival tips for keeping the whole family happy, healthy and as far from one another’s throats as possible while on the road!

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The Do’s and Don’ts of International Housesitting – An Etiquette Guide

Posted by on 2:22 pm in Accommodation, Blog, Budget Travel, Expat Life, Travel Tips | 0 comments

The Do’s and Don’ts of International Housesitting – An Etiquette Guide

House sitting has become a massive movement in the travel community, and we can totally understand why; from luxury villas in the countryside, to modern lofts amidst skyscrapers, and cottages right by the ocean, it’s an incredible way to travel, and sample local life.

An exchange where you take care of someones property and pets while they’re away, and in return are allowed to stay in their home, house-sitting is basically “borrowing the homeowners lifestyle for a period of time”.

Owners have peace of mind that their home and pets are lovingly cared for, and that pets get to stay in their own home, while pet loving sitters experience life in new places, without having to pay accommodation.

Now a massive movement, it’s super easy to find house sitting opportunities all over the world, of all kinds; it’s a very viable way to travel (some people even do it full time!), and while some house-sits might only last a few days, some can be for weeks, or even months at a time.

Taking care of someone else’s home and pets might seem like a dream come true, but you do need to be a reliable, responsible, and committed sitter. And there are some things that you just shouldn’t do.

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Digital Nomad Careers: An Introduction to Copywriting

Posted by on 3:01 pm in Expat Life | 0 comments

Digital Nomad Careers: An Introduction to Copywriting

When I tell people I work as a freelance copywriter, 90% of the time, they think I have something to do with protecting people’s inventions from theft. But copyright and copywriters are completely different!

Copywriters produce advertisements, articles, promotional material and ads. We’re the ones responsible for the text on billboards, those catchy advertising slogans, and the ones who write those ads you typically ignore, as much as we’d love you to click on them!

Becoming a freelance copywriter is a great career choice for a digital nomad, as it offers a location independent lifestyle, where you can work from home, or travel full time, while working from the road. And it typically doesn’t require and education.

Anyone with a computer and writing ability, who is able to run their work through a plagiarism tool like, can copywrite and make money on the internet. It takes a flair for writing, a creative mind, though also some serious motivation to succeed.

Want to dive into the world of freelance copy-writing? Here’s what you need to know!

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The Pros and Cons of Being a Digital Nomad

Posted by on 12:30 pm in Expat Life | 0 comments

The Pros and Cons of Being a Digital Nomad

Have you ever wanted to just pack up your things, quit your job and take off on a never ending adventure?

Once upon a time mankind roamed freely, from country to country, moving from one place to another. The very first human societies were nomadic (worth noting that some still are!)

Nowadays though, people are more reluctant to seek a nomadic lifestyle. After all, there are bills to pay, mortgages, health cards – all the trappings of modern life. We’ve come to view our 9 to 5 routine as normal, and save up for the occasional trip for a week of relaxation and leisure.

But increasingly, as technology evolves and more employers embrace remote positions, there is an ever growing movement towards nomadicism once more. I mean, what if it were possible to satisfy your wanderlust and earn money at the same time?!

That’s exactly the definition of a digital nomad! Before you jump into the lifestyle though, it’s important to full understand the pros and cons.

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Essential Apps Every Digital Nomad Needs to Succeed (They’re ALL Free!)

Posted by on 5:38 pm in Blog, Expat Life | 10 comments

Essential Apps Every Digital Nomad Needs to Succeed (They’re ALL Free!)

The cultural shift towards working remotely has been one of the biggest trends of the 21st century. In the 1900’s, people were proud of their traditional office environment, but once the 2000’s hit, we dared to reinvent this.

We dreamed of working from our laptops in Sicily one day, and Switzerland the next. Of filing reports from a villa in Bali, or answering emails from the plane, en route to our next exciting country.

Yes, the concept of remote work has been one of the biggest movements of the century; it’s now incredibly common for entrepreneurs and freelancers to sustain themselves through online income, and more and more companies are offering positions for remote employees.

And while this is exciting; total freedom of movement, and the ability to work from anywhere as long as there’s a laptop with a connection, there’s a lot of work and discipline required to stay on track while traveling.

There are many tools and products that make life easier as a digital nomad, from blue-tooth keyboards, to lap desks, and portable wifi, but today we’re going to look at the apps you need for success.

Covering everything from your accounting, to your diary, and easy-to-use video conferencing, the best thing about the apps in this list is that they’re ALL FREE … keep your business expenses down by using these!

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Teaching English Overseas: A Guide to the TEFL Industry

Posted by on 11:15 am in Blog, Expat Life | 0 comments

Teaching English Overseas: A Guide to the TEFL Industry

Look out your window, whether that be your office or your bedroom; what do you see? Is it the same old scene; dreary, boring, cold? Is the nine to five, Monday to Friday ritual just becoming too repetitive, too samey? Wish you could magic yourself away for a while?

If only there was a way to fund your travels whilst gaining valuable work and life experience that would not just bolster your CV, but also your character and social network …

Oh, wait, there is! You can teach English as a foreign language – TEFL for short.

For a while now, people young and old have travelled to other countries to teach English. There are a myriad of reasons why: for the love of teaching, experiencing other cultures, funding globetrotting, gap years, a break from the ordinary… the list goes on.

Fortunately, the demand for English grows as the language solidifies its reputation as the international lingua franca. Business, diplomacy, tourism, trade – all are areas where English is invaluable. All the better for you, an aspiring teacher!

Below is a brief guide on the TEFL industry. Read on if you’re keen to learn more about qualifications, destinations, and valuations!

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Decided to Relocate? Reasons to Work With a Top Moving Company

Posted by on 11:46 am in Expat Life | 0 comments

Decided to Relocate? Reasons to Work With a Top Moving Company

Deciding to relocate can be exciting, but as someone who has made many interstate (and international) moves, believe me when I say that it can also be really stressful.

There are many things to organize, plan, and take into consideration when you’re planning a move, and you’ll have even more on your plate when you’re in the middle of actually relocating. So when it comes to the actual act of moving your belongings, you want to make sure that it all goes smoothly.

We’re all for saving a buck when traveling, and travel hacking our way to paying less, but trust me when I say that you don’t want to scrimp on money when it comes to your move. This is one of those instances where you get what you pay for, so we’ve put together the following reasons why you’ll want to work with a top out of state moving company when it comes to your move.

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