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Expat Life / Living Abroad

Expat Life / Living & Working Abroad

* Life Overseas * Digital Nomad Life * Immigration *

How to Live in 8 European Cities with Your Own Items

Posted by on 4:03 pm in Blog, Expat Life | 0 comments

How to Live in 8 European Cities with Your Own Items

I am from Germany and by 2024 I will have lived in eight countries in Europe. Living abroad is amazing, and I recommend it to everyone who has an adventurous spirit.

But how do you continue to move across Europe without having to buy new furniture in every new city? What if you don’t want to jump between Airbnb, and enjoy the familiarity of your own things, and own pillow?! Here’s how I lived in 8 European cities with my own items.

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Best US States to Live in If You Hate Driving

Posted by on 11:54 pm in Blog, Expat Life, United States | 4 comments

Best US States to Live in If You Hate Driving

The decision to move to a different state can be exciting and fulfilling, especially if you’ve done your homework and researched your destination well.

And if you can’t stand the thought of getting stuck in traffic, mingling with unsafe drivers, or you perhaps suffer from driving anxiety, this piece is for you.

Regardless of the reasons you hate driving, you’re not alone. Read on a rundown of some of the best states to consider moving to for a driving-free lifestyle.

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How To Easily Live Off The Grid And Save Money

Posted by on 10:34 am in Blog, Budget Travel, Expat Life | 0 comments

How To Easily Live Off The Grid And Save Money

Living off the grid is becoming an increasingly popular option for those looking to become more self-sufficient and independent. With the right planning and investments, it’s possible to leave behind rising energy costs and big utility bills in exchange for renewable energy sources and sustainable living.

From installing solar panels or wind turbines to utilizing geothermal energy, batteries for appliances, rainwater collection systems, and much more – there are plenty of ways you can live off the grid while saving money in the process. Read on to learn some tips and advice on how to get started! ​​​​​

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More Reasons to Move To Canada

Posted by on 11:18 pm in Canada, Expat Life | 0 comments

More Reasons to Move To Canada

Canada. It’s one of the friendliest countries on the planet, and it’s definitely earned this great reputation.

Aside from being one of the friendliest places on Earth, statistically, it’s also one of the safest. These are just two of the many reasons why people immigrate to the Great White North – but what are some others?

In this article, we’re going to look at the reasons people move to Canada, which may just convince you to move too!

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5 Tips to Buying Property in Maui

Posted by on 3:40 pm in Expat Life | 0 comments

5 Tips to Buying Property in Maui

Maui is a popular destination for those looking to buy a vacation home or invest in real estate.

With its beautiful beaches, year-round warm weather, and abundance of outdoor recreational activities, it’s easy to see why.

If you’re considering buying property in Maui, here are five tips to keep in mind.

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Reasons to Work Remotely From Spain

Posted by on 9:23 pm in Blog, Expat Life, Spain | 0 comments

Reasons to Work Remotely From Spain

With the shift towards remote work becoming a permanent part of employment culture, and the world fighting to win back tourist dollars, countries are starting to target a unique group of travellers.

Digital nomads are on the rise; setting themselves up in other countries and working from their laptops for an extended period of time. Visas used to be the issue with this type of lifestyle; you could traditionally only spend 30 – 90 days in a country as a tourist, and didn’t have the legal right to work.

But that’s all changing, and with 50+ countries now offering generous long term visas specifically for remote workers, the question then becomes which one to choose as your base.

If you’re looking for a country with an affordable cost of living, an amazing healthcare system, incredible places to explore on your days off, and year round sunshine, there’s really only one country to consider; Spain.

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A Full Time Traveller’s Guide to Business Management

Posted by on 6:00 pm in Blog, Expat Life | 0 comments

A Full Time Traveller’s Guide to Business Management

If you’re a full-time traveler, you know that there are many things to manage: from your finances to your accommodation and everything in between.

And if you’re running a business at the same time, it can be tricky to keep everything organized. But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Here are our top tips for managing your business as a full-time traveler.

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Countries with the Cheapest Digital Nomad Visas

Posted by on 12:22 am in Blog, Expat Life, Technology, World | 0 comments

Countries with the Cheapest Digital Nomad Visas

Digital nomads are on the rise, especially as the world faces the ‘Great Resignation’ where office workers are starting to resign. The freedom and flexibility of remote work offered during the pandemic has allowed us all to rethink our careers, goals, and work / life balance, and it has become increasingly difficult for employers to bring their teams back into the office.

And why would you? … Return to the office? When you can be working from Italy one month, and Greece the next?

Visas used to be one of the biggest issues for digital nomads, because tourist visas were capped at 30 days, meaning your work routine was constantly disrupted. But now more and more countries are enticing remote workers to stay for an extended period of time, and 50+ countries now offerr generous long term visas.

As a digital nomad, the cost of visas can really add up if you’re moving around a lot. So here we’ve compiled a list of the cheapest.

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Ways to Push On if Your Small Travel Business is Stalling

Posted by on 9:41 pm in Blog, Expat Life | 0 comments

Ways to Push On if Your Small Travel Business is Stalling

Whether you’re an expat navigating business in a new country, a digital nomad managing from the road, or a small business owner in the travel industry at home, when your business simply isn’t performing in the way you want it to, it can be a source of real frustration.

Maybe you’ve been putting in the hours but things just haven’t been working out recently. It certainly isn’t a unique situation and you’re not the first small business owner to experience this.

But there are things you can do to turn things around and a kickstart your stalling business. Read on and find out how.

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How To Make A Smooth Transition From Tourist To Expat

Posted by on 3:03 am in Blog, Expat Life | 0 comments

How To Make A Smooth Transition From Tourist To Expat

Whether you’re moving for a new job, family, or to address your wanderlusting spirit to live a nomadic life, transitioning from tourist to an expat means you’re in for an exciting time.

However, being a tourist is entirely different from living an expat life. Even if your stint in the country is only a year or two, the big move is not without hardship. There are endless things to do and certain challenges along the way. But fear not because the world is now a global village with many individuals constantly moving from one country to the next.

If you speak with any expat, they won’t bombard you with their complaints or lament how hard it is to move. Instead, you’ll hear amazing stories about their journey and how they treasure this opportunity. To make sure your relocation is smooth, check out these helpful tips.

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