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Why Traveling is the Perfect Reason to Give Up Smoking

That longed-for day has arrived and you and your traveling companion are waiting eagerly for the airport cab to pull up outside. You’re super-excited about your vacation and why wouldn’t you be?

You’ve got a long flight ahead of you, some great movies to catch up on and plenty of time to finesse your travel plans as you relax with the time to do what you most enjoy.

But there’s an immediate problem: you’re a cigarette smoker and the world, not to put too fine a point on it, really doesn’t approve.

Sure, there might be a small square of concrete way off at the edge of passenger drop-off where you can wheeze to with your now-cold latte (you’ll easily spot the trash-can sized ashtrays as they’re usually on fire and billowing toxic smoke), but inside the airport?

Pigs will sooner fly.

Even if you get time at duty-free to spend your hard-earned dollars on that pristine rectangular package of your favorite tobacco, once you’re overseas you’ll probably find you’ll be smoking in conspicuous pens for the “unclean”, a social outcast all alone.

Isn’t it easier, while you’re on vacation, just to quit?

If you’re still unsure, ask yourself this: did your companion choose to go on vacation with you so he or she could be left alone 20-30 times per day while you go and find somewhere to smoke alone, usually the street corner? We thought not!

But withdrawal needn’t be so hard to bear with the help of vapour cigarettes.

The statement that vaping can help facilitate stress levels during the flight comes from the fact that vaping cravings can occur more frequently if the person is under stress. If you get on the hook and take best box mod vape (, it is more likely that the level of stress reduces on this occasion.

Your cravings are taken care of with the super-quick nicotine delivery which vaping offers, and they’re generally acceptable pretty much anywhere.

Not only will the money you save be a welcome boost to your travel budgets (the average smoker, depending on what state they’re from, pays out $200-plus per month against just $40 on electronic cigarettes) but it will also help your fitness no end.

A Smoke Free Vacation

Scaling Table Mountain, taking the stairs up the Eiffel Tower or scurrying across Tower Bridge just before they start to raise it no longer seem so daunting. After all, none of us want to spend our adventures lagging behind everybody else.

And for every day of your vacation that you quit, you’ll have more puff, more company and much more time! Why add in the stress of worrying about your next cigarette when your travels are supposed to help you relax, enjoy yourself and soak up new experiences in good company?

A smoke-free vacation might just build up your fitness, improve your bank-balance and enrich your travel time with companions you care about. So, even if it’s just for the length of your trip, ditch the tobacco and you’ll be the richer for it, in more ways than one.

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Megan is an Australian Journalist who has been travelling and blogging since 2007, with the main aim of inspiring others to embark on their own worldwide adventure. Her husband Mike is an American travel photographer, and together they have made the world their home.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

Follow their journey on Facebook, TwitterYouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.

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