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Weird Ontario: Bizarre Attractions And Festivals According to JustFly

The province of Ontario is one of Canada’s most popular regions. Between being the home of Canada’s capital of Ottawa and the hulking metropolis of Toronto, there are many reasons to visit Ontario. But, if you prefer to take a walk on the wild side and are looking for unique attractions, Ontario has you covered on that front too.

In order to learn more about some of Ontario’s weirder stops, I spoke with JustFly, an online travel agency. With their expertise, I was able to learn about three weird attractions worth checking out if you find yourself in the province of Ontario.

Zurich Bean Festival

Second according to JustFly’s review, The Zurich Bean Festival is quintessential Southwestern Ontario. This region, which could be described as being full of liberal, hockey loving cowboys, is very agricultural and very laid back. But, when people get together, they tend to party.

In the case of this festival, they party in the name of beans. Located just North of London, Ontario, the town of Zurich is home to roughly 1,000 people. This year, they’ll get together to hold the 52nd rendition of the Zurich Bean Festival.

Featuring a weekend of communal meals built around beans and other local produce, street dances, car shows, and concerts, The Zurich Bean Festival is a unique event that captures the spirit of rural Ontario.

Photo CC by CaseyLessard

Camp Picton Ghost Town

Opened in 1938, CFB Picton, known now as the Camp Picton Ghost Town according to JustFly, is a long abandoned military facility that remains largely accessible to the public. Featuring a ton of untouched barracks, buildings, and other facilities, CFB Picton gives visitors a chance to view and explore history free of lines and “do not touch” signs.

The base itself closed in 1969 as the world came out of World War II and Canada required fewer active military facilities. This came as a relief to the small town of Picton, who didn’t appreciate the, at times, rowdy nature of the soldiers on the base.

Collingwood Elvis Festival

Less of an unknown but still plenty weird, this festival is all about The King. The Collingwood Elvis Festival is pretty huge and draws fans from around the World to celebrate the musical legacy of Elvis Presley.

This includes tribute concerts, contests, and lots of shopping for memorabilia. JustFly says it can be a little strange walking in a sea of Elvis impersonators, but if you are looking for something unique to do you can’t go wrong with this festival.

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Megan is an Australian Journalist who has been travelling and blogging since 2007, with the main aim of inspiring others to embark on their own worldwide adventure. Her husband Mike is an American travel photographer, and together they have made the world their home.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

Follow their journey on Facebook, TwitterYouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.

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