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Twin Towns: The Perfect Way to Expand Your Travel Horizons

What do a rural village in Scotland, a farming community in Australia and a town in Oregon, USA, all have in common?

They may be miles apart, but believe it or not, Dull, Bland and Boring are known as twin towns to one another due to their rather unusual names. But just what is it that these places, along with many other twin towns, see in having such connections?

Travel Opportunities

Twin town

Photo CC by Peter O’Connor aka anemoneprojectors

According to research from Voucherbox, twin towns are the perfect places to expand your travel horizons. You can go all over the world comparing these weird and interesting matches, making for the most incredible trip.

There is something for everyone too. You could be wanting to laugh at the extreme differences between twinned Bolton and Le Mans. It is hard to understand why a former mill town in the North of England has been paired with a sports car racing city in France, but then that is part of the intrigue surrounding this whole phenomenon.

However, if you are big on city life, the likes of London, Paris, Rome and New York are all twin cities, creating an amazing tour of some of the world’s finest cities. On the other hand, you may just be dying to say that you have visited Dull, Bland and Boring!

Cultural Connections

Volunteering in a third world country.

Whilst the travelling aspect is the more interesting feature about twin towns for the public, the cultural relations between countries cannot, of course, be ignored. An improved cultural understanding can only be a bonus, and something that twinned towns are thankful for.

Bolton, Cambridge and Stockport are all keen town twins raving about this benefit, with for example youth orchestra exchanges and workshops on native folklore. And even countries are crying out to be paired with towns across the world, take Nicaragua for example.

The country has links with charity organisations across the UK. Exchanges, educational programmes and voluntary work are all helping this country get back on its feet after a turbulent past.

Twinning Too Far?

Twin town

Photo CC by Peter O’Connor aka anemoneprojectors

In recent years, the news of some towns un-twinning may have caused some rocky moments in the whole idea of twinning. Some do not see the point of it anymore and apparently towns are just not putting in enough effort. At least, this is what Wallingford thought about Luxeuil-les-Bains, France. And some argue the connections are a bit odd. Can you see the link between Sunderland and Washington DC?

Twinning is still something to believe in though. Even the strange cases like Swindon in Wiltshire being paired with Disney World for a year should not pull any negative faces, just something intriguing. There is no such thing as taking town twinning too far, and it is always entertaining to discover the reasons behind the most bizarre couplings.

So twin towns are no joke. Sure, some traditions are getting lost through globalisation, but if town twinning can bring numerous cultural benefits, improved international relations and endless travel opportunities, then why not twin? Discover your twin town today!

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Megan is an Australian Journalist and award-winning travel writer who has been blogging since 2007. Her husband Mike is the American naturalist and wildlife photographer behind Waking Up Wild; a website dedicated to opening your eyes to the wild & natural world.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

Follow their journey on Facebook, TwitterYouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.

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