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Top Five Tips to Help You Stay Safe in Europe

Staying safe when on the road is really important, whether that’s looking after your health, your personal possessions or your travel buddies. The last thing you want is something to cut your trip short, so follow these tips for staying safe when travelling across Europe.

Separate your money

You may be used to keeping all your money and cards in one place at home, but it’s best not to do it when on the road.

Separate your money and cards into multiple wallets and keep some spare cash in your accommodation so, even if the worst happens, you will have access to money until you can replace your cards.

Don’t forget your EHIC!

A European Health Insurance Card can be a traveller’s best friend as it provides free or reduced price access to state healthcare across the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland and the Canary Islands.

EHICs are available, free of charge, to all UK, EEA and Swiss residents and applying couldn’t be easier, fill in the application form on the NHS Choices website or if you want to avoid the hassle of the forms you can get these guys to do that for you here.

It’s really important that you keep your EHIC card on you at all times – you never know when you might need medical attention and without it you will have to pay upfront for any treatment you need. An EHIC isn’t designed to replace travel insurance though, so make sure you’re fully covered!

Be aware of common scams

You’re never going to be able to completely avoid scams or tourist traps on your trip and European cities can be particular hot spots for pickpockets and scammers.

By being aware of some of the common tactics you may be able to avoid a situation where people may be looking to relieve you of your valuables.

Check the tap water

Tap water is a cheap and convenient way of staying hydrated while on the road, but it’s not always safe to drink. It’s best to be cautious in certain Eastern European countries, such as Romania, Bulgaria and the Ukraine, where the water is not treated to the same standards as other countries.

That’s not to say the water is unclean, or harmful, but it may have a nasty effect if you’re not used to it, or have a weakened immune system. If you’re ever unsure, boiling water before you drink or brush your teeth with it will remove anything nasty.

Keep your stuff in your sights

You don’t want to come home with a considerably lighter backpack than when you left, so keep a watchful eye over your personal belongings. When eating out, don’t leave your bag on the floor or on a chair; instead loop your foot through a strap so you don’t forget it.

If you do have to let your bags out of your sight, such as in a hostel or on a train, secure it to the bedpost or a railing with a flexible bike lock to ensure it’s there when you come back to it.

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Megan is an Australian Journalist who has been travelling and blogging since 2007, with the main aim of inspiring others to embark on their own worldwide adventure. Her husband Mike is an American travel photographer, and together they have made the world their home.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

Follow their journey on Facebook, TwitterYouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.

Water photo credits: the Legendary Adventures of Anna and Jim Holmes for AusAID.

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