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You may not know much about Montenegro, and unless you’re a football fan who has seen England play the country in World Cup qualifiers you may not have heard of the Balkan nation at all.

Montenegro is a beautifully rustic country that boasts a landscape outlined by rugged mountains and amazing beaches and coastlines along the Adriatic Sea. If you’re travelling across the Balkans or just visiting the country itself you may be looking for ideas for things to do and see.

With that in mind, here are three things to do in Montenegro on your next visit to the Balkans.

3 Things to Do in Montenegro on Your Next Balkan Holiday

Morning in Dobrota  [Explore 9-7-13]

Visit the Medieval Kotor

One of the most charming yet awe-inspiring places things to do is to visit the medieval town of Kotor. A UNESCO World Heritage Site for its historical architecture that remains largely intact to this day, the town is also home to the Bay of Kotor, a winding bay on the Adriatic coast that resembles a fjord.

The area has been inhabited since antiquity and is dotted by several Romanesque churches and ancient fortified towns. Kotor is also well known for Durmitor National Park, home to glacial lakes, limestone peaks, and the Tara River Canyon around which Bears and wolves can be sighted.

So whether you’re an animal lover, into architecture, or a history buff, the historic town of Kotor has something for everyone.

Follow in the Footsteps of James Bond

If Montenegro has seen a rise in tourism in recent years then it may be thanks to the James Bond Effect. Casino Royale, the 007 film with Daniel Craig, features an incredible action scene in which the spy fights some bad guys while on a bullet train hurtling along the track on its way to Montenegro.

Many a fan has since realised their dream of walking in James Bond’s footsteps by visiting the country. Hotel bookings saw a significant rise after the films’ release! The above-mentioned Bay of Kotor is thought to be where James Bond emerges from the turquoise waters of the Adriatic Sea in another famous scene.

Unfortunately, the Montenegro 007 adventure was only just that, a story in a film, and many of the movies’ scenes where actually filmed elsewhere, but let’s not spoil the fun for all those James Bond fans who think otherwise!

Tara River Canyon and Tara Bridge

Adventure lovers and adrenaline Junkies will find plenty to love about Montenegro because the country’s landscape makes for some breath-taking views and natural settings.

A prime example is the Tara River Canyon which is the deepest such feature in Europe. The canyon boasts emerald green waters that provide the perfect setting for white-water rafting, while the surrounding area lends itself to hiking and other outdoor activities.

Visitors can also take part in zip lining and river rafting at the Tara Bridge for an action adventure that cannot be matched anywhere else in the world.

Tara River

Megan is an Australian Journalist and award-winning travel writer who has been blogging since 2007. Her husband Mike is the American naturalist and wildlife photographer behind Waking Up Wild; a website dedicated to opening your eyes to the wild & natural world.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

If you enjoy getting social, you can follow their journey on FacebookTwitterYouTubePinterest and Instagram.

Photo credits: Morning in Dobrota by Trish Hartmann. Kotor by xiquinhosilva. Tara River by Nicolas Rénac.


  1. There are some beautiful places in Montenegro. I knew the coast well once, but haven’t been for a while. So glad it’s getting more visits every day. Nice guide, Meg. :)

    • Hope you have the chance to return again soon! :)

  2. Other than Casino Royale, I can’t say that I’ve seen too much of Montenegro in photos or film (and I’ve never been). But I’m completely sold based on your descriptions and photos. I’d love to see Kotor, it’s amazing how much has been preserved. And I know that Andy would love to explore Tara River Canyon. Thanks for sharing!

    • So glad we could offer a deeper insight into Montenegro Patricia :) Casino Royale is a pretty great starting point for inspiration for sure!

      Hope you have the chance to discover Kotor and Tara River Canyon soon!

  3. Montenegro looks like a great mountain adventure waiting to happen. Any place that still has bears and wolves sounds pretty good to us. FWIW – Daniel Craig is the best Bond.

    • Absolutely Jenn – I have a feeling you would love it! And totally agree with you on Daniel Craig – though I fear he won’t be with us for the new one :'(

  4. Ahh, I’m reading quite a lot of posts on the Balkans and on Montenegro recently – It’s really making me want to go :D – This post has just been bookmarked for future reference :D

    • Glad we could further inspire you Amit! Feel free to reach out if you have any follow up Q’s :)

  5. Kotor looks so beautiful! The area has really been hot lately, I keep hearing about it… maybe its a sign!

    • Kotor is one of the most stunning and underrated cities in Europe – highly recommend a trip!

  6. Until recently, I didn’t know much about Montenegro, but it’s coming up on my radar all the time now. You paint a beautiful picture of Kotor–I love UNESCO sites–and Durmitor National Park. Can’t wait to get there!

    • I’m glad we could further inspire you to consider Montenegro! Kotor really is a beautiful place, and with the range of UNESCO and National Parks, while small in size, the country sure does pack a punch!

      Hope you have the chance to travel soon :)

  7. Montenegro seems absolutely beautiful! I’m hoping to get there next summer! I want to visit Kotor for sure. That city looks absolutely stunning! Plus, that white water rafting… Looks absolutely awesome! I love adventurous stuff!

    • Sounds like Montenegro is the destination for you! Hope you have the chance to travel soon :)

  8. Ah come on Megan last week it was Belarus this week its Montenegro. I’m still trying to figure out where I’m going this September and your not helping me. Montenegro has been on my to go to list since James Bond. I do have a post about the places I visited where James Bond was filmed… I would love to add Montenegro to that post. Casino Royals was a great movie. The gf being Croatian (ex-Yugoslavian) can speak the language and has family there so that is a great option for September. I will pin this post for reference!!! Thanks Meg :)

    • Haha making sure you have all your options :D! Perhaps you could combine both in the one trip – you’ll already be in Eastern Europe after-all!

  9. I love Kotor i stayed there summer last year for couple of days and i enjoyed wandering around the cobblestone alleyways and hiking up the fortress for the sunset view. Readingthis remnds me of my great time there!

    • So glad to hear you had a fabulous time Anneklien! Always nice taking a trip down memory lane!

  10. All the things that you have mentioned in the post stimulates my interest.Medieval Kotor appeals to my interest in ancient history, while my fascination for Bond ensures to make the place special for me. The Tara Canyon appeals to the nature lover in me. Form me Montenegro seems like the stuff that dreams are made of.

    • Sounds like you would really love Montenegro – a combination of everything that’s fascinating!

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