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The Top 5 Things You Have To Do In Thailand

Posted by on 11:15 pm in Blog, Thailand, Travel Tips, Writers | 36 comments

The Top 5 Things You Have To Do In Thailand

The glorious, mysterious, and (at times) ridiculous country of Thailand is a smorgasbord when it comes to things to do, places to visit, and experiences to be had. Although the country is relatively small in area, it’s impossible to take advantage of all it has to offer in a short vacation stay.

But no matter how long you intend to spend in Thailand, make sure that you at least manage to immerse yourself in most, if not all, of the following.

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A Guide to the Beaches of Koh Samui Thailand

Posted by on 4:26 am in Blog, Thailand, Travel Tips, Writers | 48 comments

A Guide to the Beaches of Koh Samui Thailand

Situated in the Gulf of Thailand, the beautiful island of Koh Samui it is now one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country, attracting travelers from all over the world seeking a tropical beach vacation.

Fine white sand beaches and crystal clear waters come together with nodding coconut trees to one side and the beautiful Gulf of Thailand to the other, and those wanting to dance barefoot under the soft light of the full moon can join one of Koh Samui’s wild nightly beach parties.

More than 1.5 million tourists visit the island each year to enjoy the kind of tropical coastline and beaches you find featured in ads. Here are a few of the more popular, and some of my most favorite beaches to visit on the island. “Get a massage, have your hair braided, buy barbecued chicken or sarongs, get to know the locals or simply doze off and chill out.”

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