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5 Camera Kit Essentials for Your Next Trip to New Zealand

Posted by on 12:27 pm in Blog, New Zealand, Photography | 0 comments

5 Camera Kit Essentials for Your Next Trip to New Zealand

Now that we’re allowed to head across the pond to visit our nearest and dearest neighbours, New Zealand, it’s time to reevaluate your travel photography kit to make sure you are ready to capture the best travel photos.

After all, New Zealand has some of the best landscapes in the world!

From the essentials, like the right camera and lenses, to the camera accessories, the expert photographers at Ted’s Cameras are taking us through what photography equipment to pack on your NZ holiday.

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How to Make Your Journeys Memorable With Vintage Travel Posters

Posted by on 11:48 am in Blog, Equipment Reviews, Photography, Travel Tips | 2 comments

How to Make Your Journeys Memorable With Vintage Travel Posters

If you’re an avid traveller, collecting souvenirs of the places you visit is a fun way of commemorating your trips. Most people do this by taking photographs of their favourite destinations or saving boarding passes from their journeys.

However, there are times when you’re too busy to take a photo of your destination or even pick a trinket.

That’s when vintage travel posters come in handy.

Besides reminding you of places visited and the people you encounter, vintage travel posters have a truly aesthetic appeal. Photographic ads, banner ads and TV commercial are all the rage, but they can’t replace the rich culture that travel posters embody.

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10 Hacks to Make Your Smartphone Camera Photography Look More Professional

Posted by on 11:26 pm in Blog, Photography, Technology | 2 comments

10 Hacks to Make Your Smartphone Camera Photography Look More Professional

In the early days of photography, taking photos was a rather labor intensive process. The first cameras offered for sale to the public came in the late 19th century but it would be decades before amateurs could easily take decent looking images.

Digital photography revolutionized the way people captured memorable moments and made taking photos far less costly than using film.

Quality digital cameras are now a standard feature on smartphones, and while using an expensive, fancy DSLR camera can produce professional looking images, they can prove quite complicated for most novices to use.

Thanks to smartphones, you can now take great images without needing to know or understand a lot of technical photography jargon. However, there are simple ways you can take your smartphone images from being good to looking really professional.

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The Most Effective Way to Remove Shadows From Travel Photos (in 4 Easy Steps!)

Posted by on 10:26 am in Blog, Photography | 0 comments

The Most Effective Way to Remove Shadows From Travel Photos (in 4 Easy Steps!)

Getting that gorgeous snap of the Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum in Rome, or of that stunning waterfall by the hot springs, is the epitome of travel photography; epic photos is what we all aim for!

But capturing the beauty that is in front of you can be a bit difficult; the shot may look fantastic in the preview, but as soon as that shutter clicks, you end up with tons of shadows which completely corrupt your photo.

These shadows occur from objects in the background, from people within the shot (or standing just outside the frame), and even from your own photography skills if you haven’t quite mastered your lighting.

While you can always use Photoshop to remove unnecessary shadows (see how to remove shadows from photos in Photoshop), if your subscription has ended or you don’t want the learning curve, there’s a powerful new program called PhotoWorks.

While the program itself has a great guide for how to remove shadows from photos in PhotoWorks, we’ve summarized the process here in 4 easy steps, to show you how simple it is!

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Creative Ideas for Printing and Displaying Your Travel Photos

Posted by on 3:54 pm in Blog, Photography | 2 comments

Creative Ideas for Printing and Displaying Your Travel Photos

There’s no doubt that these days, travel photos are the best souvenirs. A physical reminder of your trip, but, unlike the trinkets you buy from a busy tourist area, photos are cheap, last forever, and you can share them as freely as you want to.

Also, you can take thousands of photos every day if you’re so inclined, and they don’t take up any extra space in your luggage. It’s the best case scenario!

But are they actually a physical reminder? They used to be – back in the days before digital photography where you would get home, have them developed, and but them proudly into an album (granted, back then you wouldn’t be taking thousands!).

But these days we often get home, share them on our socials, and then store them away to be forgotten on a harddrive. Which is a shame. Because why would you want your memories of your most epic adventures to fade away?!

The great thing about photos these days is that they’re so versatile, and you can print them for use in so many ways. So, if you want to start displaying your travel photos, consider some of these ideas so you can actually see them everyday!

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The Best Way to Save and Share Your Files While Traveling

Posted by on 1:31 pm in Blog, Photography, Technology, Travel Tips | 6 comments

The Best Way to Save and Share Your Files While Traveling

Whether you’re snapping pics to post on social media, or shooting new material for your professional portfolio, taking pictures is a part of travel. As the number of stamps in your passport grows, so too does the documented footage of your adventures around the world.

No matter how much you might cherish each one of these photos, there’s no denying that they’re taking up space on your computer and overwhelming your emails attachments.

Sure, USBs can get the job done if you want to share your photos with a family member or travel partner – you know, and not blow up their inbox because of the size limit on email attachments – or are trying to transfer all your photos from your laptop to your desktop.

But what if we told you that there’s an easier, faster way to do it?

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Reasons to Invest in Portable Cameras

Posted by on 12:06 pm in Photography | 0 comments

Reasons to Invest in Portable Cameras

With travel photography becoming increasingly popular, a good quality camera is now a necessity for most travelers. But the biggest question is, what kind of camera should we use?

Bulky DSLR’s were once the go-to, and it was the mark of a photographer to sport a massive zoom. But technology has evolved tremendously, and now that you can take high quality photos with your cell phone, most travelers today are going the portable route.

Also known as compact, or hand-held, portable cameras are preferred among travelers because they are conveniently sized for travel, allow freedom of movement when you’re out. These are often pocket-sized cameras that don’t need to be mounted.

Given this trend towards smaller bodied cameras, the following are 5 reasons to jump on the bandwagon and join those going the portable route.

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How Custom Printing Helps Your Travel Photos Last a Lifetime

Posted by on 10:36 pm in Blog, Photography | 0 comments

How Custom Printing Helps Your Travel Photos Last a Lifetime

Taking photos on that fantastic trip is something we all do – but what happens when you get home? Far too many people take stunning pictures on their adventures, yet when they return to daily life those photos just sit forgotten.

They sit in a phone or camera, maybe they’re filed away on your harddrive, waiting to be looked at once every six months then ultimately deleted for more memory space.

It really is a shame. Those photos could be put to much better use, custom printed onto a variety of different ways, and proudly displayed. That way, you remember your journeys every day!

Online printing specialists offer affordable printing on a both common and uncommon items, meaning you can make those memories last a lifetime. But what sort of things can you print onto?

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Travel Photographers: How to Advertise Yourself on Instagram

Posted by on 10:54 am in Photography | 0 comments

Travel Photographers: How to Advertise Yourself on Instagram

The world of social media and online marketing has drastically evolved over the past couple of years. Social media platforms are upping their game knowing that any minute, new trends will overtake what they are currently promoting.

The role of photographers can’t be underestimated in today’s digital world. Well paying gigs are available, but are usually approved for those who have a good online presence.

These changes have also made a lot of content creators, online ambassadors, and influencers rethink the way they go about advertising and promoting their content online.

One of the biggest social media platforms making waves today is Instagram. Everything about instagram advertising is changing, and you definitely need to learn more about it in order to stay in the game.

But even if you don’t have a big budget for paid advertising on the platform, there are still a number of ways to advertise yourself, and build a successful online presence.

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How to Take Beautiful Travel Photography: 5 Beginner Tips

Posted by on 2:37 pm in Photography | 2 comments

How to Take Beautiful Travel Photography: 5 Beginner Tips

Once upon a time, a camera was a luxury, and on a family holiday, you generally had to share it. Though these days cameras have become an essential, and every traveler has one.

Travel and photography go hand in hand these days, and with the accessibility of advanced technology, even amateur photographers and beginners can take incredible shots.

One thing most travelers have in common is a desire to take better photography. Which you can easily do with these tips.

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