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Authored by Matthew McMillan

After visiting the historically beautiful Mission San Francisco de Asis for an hour, Chris and I proceeded to continue on our particular San Francisco walking tour. Provided to us by Kamino, this free walking tour app allowed us to geologically see ourselves along our route as we walked.

Even though we had a rather large breakfast, our hunger for food was clearly intact and evident. Fortunately, the next stop on our San Francisco walking tour was the infamous Pizzeria Delfina. If there’s one thing that rings true about Chris in this world… it’s his overwhelming affinity for pizza!

On a Walking Tour Mission in San Francisco

Pizzeria Delfina

If you haven’t been to Italy yet, you haven’t tasted Italian food. Nothing compares to a meal prepared by locals in the comfort of their homes.

On the way to the Pizzeria, we were able to take in the many affects that San Francisco’s architecture imposes on a human being’s senses. Charitable and enticing to our eyes and minds, the eclectic mix of Victorian and modern architecture that we saw along the way was more than eye gazing for us.

Finally approaching the Pizzeria Delfina, we could smell the oven-cooked pizza to an extent that Chris and I were playing guessing games with what types of pizzas we were smelling.

Pizzeria Delfina is so popular, we could see the line of people coming out of the building from 2 blocks away. Even though we didn’t have all the time in the world to finish our San Francisco walking tour, Chris urged with me to stay and wait in line for a slice.

Luckily for us, there were a few impatient tourists ahead of us that bowed-out of the line early – we smiled with anticipation. Waiting nearly 30 minutes was well worth it in the end. Of course, our hunger grew exponentially as we waited and watched other people at tables eat their delicious pizza.

After each of us mowed-down extremely large individual pizzas, we felt as if we just ate pizza that was cooked from a multi-generational pizza maker in Naples, Italy. Looking at our next stop on our San Francisco walking tour got us both really excited, as we are both outdoors-guys.

Mission Dolores Park

Retiro park Madrid

Photo credit: Juanedc via Flickr

Walking down the Muni Metro J-Church line on its western edge was something to be appreciated. Even though we were both full from the lunch we just had, we both pushed on to walk the western edge of the Mission Dolores Park.

Seeing some of the historic views from this 16 acre park were absolutely inspirational. So much history has traveled and passed through this park over the past century! This history is shown through its many monuments and statues – which exhibit the appreciation of individuals that were a part of its creation or continuance.

Here’s a fun fact – it was originally a Jewish cemetery, until the city bought it and made it a park for its residents to enjoy. It just so happened that a mini-renaissance festival was taking place as we were walking by on this San Francisco walking tour. Chris had to stop by and tip some of the jugglers, as he grew up wanting to be one.

After further exploring the area, we found out that Mission Dolores park has palm trees everywhere, recreational facilities every few acres, and even a clubhouse. Even though we wanted to lay down and catch some sun and take a nap, we knew we had to continue with our San Francisco walking tour. Next stop was something we both had not expected to be a stop on our walking tour, but both ended up enjoying immensely.

826 Valencia

We both looked at our San Francisco walking tour to make sure the stop was just an address and not a name. 826 Valencia is a nonprofit organization that is committed to helping students become writers. Solely dedicated to these children and the endeavor of inspiring them to write their emotions and thoughts out on page, this organization had my undivided attention.

As a child, I always wanted to be a part of writing programs such as this. As a traveling writer today, I couldn’t believe my eyes! The notes and excerpts from children that were posted on their glass walls were highly entertaining. I believe that I had made it through all of the post-it notes from the children before I decided to leave this destination on our San Francisco walking tour and move onward.

Of course, Chris and I both donated 20 dollars to their organization before we left! We also had to shop at their pirate store before we left; I had to buy an old-looking journal and Chris bought an old-looking pirate shirt.

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Matthew McMillan is a loving and caring husband and father of two beautiful children. He travels and writes for his profession, helping to create better experiences for future travelers.

Featured Photo CC by Evonne

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