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How to Travel the World on a Budget

Travelling is a fantastic experience that can really help you grow as an individual. It allows you to experience and discover different cultures and traditions. The world has so many wonders – with corners of the globe to suit everyone’s sense of adventure. That’s why many people choose to go on a round-the-world trip, catching as many of the varied delights of the planet as they can.

If you’d like to travel the world but you’re worried you don’t have the funds to meet your ambitions, there are a few budget tips you can follow.

Offer your services to receive free accommodation

Accommodation is one of the biggest costs of travelling. However, there are actually organizations set up which allow you to offer your services and hard work in return for a place to stay.

Budget Travel has some excellent links and information on the various organizations available. This can potentially save you thousands of dollars.

Earn money while you travel

One of the main ways a lot of people can afford to travel the world on a budget is by working throughout their travels.

There are many ways you can put your natural talents to good use to earn money while you’re travelling including working in local stores, teaching English, freelancing and even playing at online casino sites if you have a flair for it. Even just a small amount of extra cash can help to fund your journey.

Consider staying in hostels

Ireland hostel

Another accommodation tip is to stay in hostels. In some quarters these have a bad rep and are considered something for young backpackers. However, as this useful article highlights in the Guardian, hostels are not only extremely cheap, but the people are welcoming and friendly, as well as eager to share lesser known travel tips.

It’s an experience you won’t forget and can be really rewarding. Of course, as with any accommodation it is worth researching hostels in advance and choosing those with a good reputation.

Use public transport instead of taxis

When arriving in a new country, it’s tempting to just get in a taxi to take you to your final destination. However, the cost of taxis in most countries is ridiculously high. Therefore it makes much more sense to use public transportation instead.

It helps if you research as much as you can about the local transportation network. That way you will know exactly where to head to and which buses or trains to catch ahead of time – and can book yourself on to cut price cheaper deals.

House sit or house swap

Yet another accommodation budget tip is to either house sit or house swap. Housesitting enables you to stay somewhere absolutely free. You will be doing the owners a favor and getting to experience true local life. House swaps are similar, only you literally swap houses for a set time period with another family.

Overall there are so many ways you can save on your dream around the world trip. The ideas above can help you to save a small fortune on your travels. The key is to research as much as you possibly can and look for creative ways you can earn and save money while you’re abroad. Some of the ways can actually enhance your adventure.

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Megan is an Australian Journalist who has been travelling and blogging since 2007, with the main aim of inspiring others to embark on their own worldwide adventure. Her husband Mike is an American travel photographer, and together they have made the world their home.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

Follow their journey on Facebook, TwitterYouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.

Photo credits: Hostel photos by Barnacles Budget Accom. Money Images by by Images Money.

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