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Things to Do in Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman Island is the biggest of the three Cayman Islands and it is here where you can look for a complete holiday, full of fun and relaxation. Discover untouched nature and awesome underwater sights along with a great dining experience. The island has long been known for scuba diving, and is a particular favorite among honeymooning couples.

When browsing Grand Cayman Resort listings there are excellent deals available for luxury resorts. There are some fine resorts on the western side of the island where you will come across plenty of night clubs and fast food restaurants. Those looking for native Caymanian cuisine can find it on the Eastern side.

Regardless of where you choose to stay, here are some fun things you should do while there.

The Luxury of George Town

Explore George Town, Cayman’s attractive capital where you will come across Caribbean-style buildings and enjoy duty-free shopping on signature brands such as Tiffany, Gucci, Versace, and more.

The best part is that you are sure to come across many local vendors and craftsmen who will spend time with you to help you buy that perfect gift or a souvenir to take back home.

An amazing combination of local and luxury treasures await you in George Town. The town comes alive when cruise ships arrive and there are several tourist attractions in the capital. Visit the Glass House and National Museum while you are here, or take advantage of the chance to hug a stingray.

Photo CC Acquarius Sea Tours

The Eastern Districts of Grand Cayman

Get ready to explore the natural beauty, white sand beaches, and the azure waters.

Visit the Wreck of the Ten Sail, or learn about rare Blue Iguanas. Take a tour through the Queen Elizabeth II Botanical Park and you can eat freshly caught seafood at one of the local restaurants.

Seven Mile Beach

Seven Mile Beach boasts of the largest concentration of tourists and visitors because of its clubs, resorts, and hotels. It is one of the most famous stretches of sand in the Caribbean.

The ravishing turquoise sea is fringed with coconut palms and hordes of cruise ship passengers hop on this broad stretch of beach. The entire beach is impeccably maintained and lines posh homes and large resorts.

Photo CC James Willamor

The Mastic Reserve

The reserve is a protected area of subtropical dry forest and the three-kilometer long trail within the reserve will take you through dry forest and black mangrove wetland across the jagged iron shore.

The trail is an old one which has undergone repairs, though it is well marked. Nature lovers can spot wild orchids and small animals and birds on the way. Guided tours educate them about the local flora and fauna.

Atlantis Submarines

Do not miss the chance to experience the underwater world in a submarine that will take you to the depth of 30 meters. Peer through the large windows of the submarine and have a look at underwater canyons, shallow reefs, and Tropical Fish.

You can opt for shallow-water excursions and night submarine tours in their Seaworld Observatory.

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Megan is an Australian Journalist who has been travelling and blogging since 2007, with the main aim of inspiring others to embark on their own worldwide adventure. Her husband Mike is an American travel photographer, and together they have made the world their home.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

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