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Last week’s “Foodie Friday” blog was so well received that I have decided to make “food” a weekly topic every Friday! As such this week Hannah and Adam from Getting Stamped share with us their favorite flavors from around the world.

Flavors From Around the World



Tacos – You haven’t really had tacos unless you have had street tacos in Mexico. Tulum, Mexico



Jerk Chicken – The quintessential Caribbean chicken slow roasted for hours in a steel drum. Always juicy, always perfectly seasoned. Negril, Jamaica


Seafood – Some of the best seafood I have ever has fresh caught and cooked at the market, you can’t beat seafood this fresh. Ostin’s Fish Market, Ostins, Barbados



Thai Curries – Coconut based curries of the south come in a variety of colors and flavors.


Bugs – This is a specialty that you just can’t get outside of South East Asia, and a must try if you are adventurous.



Chicken Satay – those little skewers of meat with satay chicken is very popular in Indonesia. Walk down any street in the country and the mouthwatering aroma of satay exudes from practically every corner you pass.


Mei Goreng – made with thin yellow noodles fried in cooking oil with garlic, onion or shallots, fried prawn, chicken, or beef, sliced bakso (meatballs), chili, cabbages, tomatoes,egg, and acar (pickles), you can buy Mei Goreng everywhere in Indonesia. It is sold by all food vendors from street-hawkers to high-end restaurants.



Nothing says American food like a classic burger!

What is your favorite international flavor?

Hannah and Adam are an American couple who decided the normal life was just too… normal.  So they have packed their lives in to a backpack and begun to travel the globe!   You can follow their journey on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. I loved Vietnamese Che (a sweet dessert soup, the one I tried had sweet potato) Really comforting and unusual! All of these look great though (except for the bugs, which just aren’t my cup of tea, not quite brave enough for that!)

    • I haven’t tried bugs yet either…I would like to say I could easily stomach them lol but I guess the real test will be when actually faced with it. Will keep you updated :D

  2. I enjoyed Japanese food a lot and found it very special and unique, the Thai dishes were pretty good too especially the spicy papaya salad! :)

    • I have to travel through more of Asia; they possible have the best cuisine in the world!

  3. How about the heart of the Mediterranean one Friday ? I love your posts !

    • Thanks Lea! Love that idea for a post! Will start going through my photos to see what I can come up with!

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