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What is the one thing that stands in your way of travelling? For many people, it’s not having the finances or freedom to do so. After all, going on a worldwide adventure requires money, which you make through working.

However, it is possible to combine the two. Here are some suggestions on how to sustain yourself while globetrotting to maximise the experience of a lifetime.

Combining Work With Travel to Maximise the Experience of a Lifetime

Trade Index Futures

Trading world indices futures such as the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 might sound complicated, but it’s actually easier to comprehend than you think.

What’s more, by trading index futures, you won’t have to do much work to make enough money to travel.


Find Online Freelance Work

Although a lot depends on your previous experience and employment, a number of freelance opportunities are available online.

These include web design, writing, illustration, consulting, legal work, and administration. You may even discover a skill you never knew you had.

Get a Teaching Job

Teaching jobs are available all over the world, especially in Asian countries like Thailand and South Korea, as school students want to learn English from a native speaker.

You don’t even need to be certified either, so send out some applications and see what comes back.

Be a Film or TV Extra

There are a few great reasons to be a film or TV extra. First of all, you don’t need the looks or talent of a Hollywood superstar.

Secondly, if you’re lucky to get selected for a big production, the money can be impressive. Last but least, you don’t have to do much.

Work in a Hostel

Hostels are almost always on the look out for new staff to work on reception desks, clean rooms, or even take guests on excursions.

You might not get paid heaps, but most of the time you’ll get free accommodation and maybe some food too.

Work on a Cruise Ship

Work on a cruise ship and you will literally get paid to travel. You won’t have long at each port of call, but you’ll still see some awesome sights, gain invaluable experience, and network with great people.

Cuverville Island, Antarctica.

Be a Tour Guide

This often requires in-depth knowledge of a place or subject, so avoid if you’re planning to blag it as you go along. However, if you know and love your destination of choice, being a tour guide can be extremely enjoyable and rewarding.

You may even get some sizeable tips!

Farm or Harvest Work

Working on a farm isn’t for the fainthearted. It usually involves long hours, backbreaking work, and poor pay. But at the same time, you’ll meet lots of other travellers and can experience the great outdoors.

If you’re travelling to Australia, it means you can extend your visa as well.

Rent Out Your Home or Room

Don’t like the sound of working while travelling? Then avoid all of the aforementioned options and rent out your home or room while you’re away instead. You should be able to at least cover your rent.


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Megan is an Australian Journalist and award-winning travel writer who has been blogging since 2007. Her husband Mike is the American naturalist and wildlife photographer behind Waking Up Wild; a website dedicated to opening your eyes to the wild & natural world.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

If you enjoy getting social, you can follow their journey on FacebookTwitterYouTubePinterest and Instagram.


  1. That’s some good suggestion! I’m currently in NZ and looking for a job. This will come in handy :)

    • Glad we could help Isabel – hope you’re having a great time in NZ and good luck landing your first gig!

  2. Some choice suggestions here Meg. If you have a skill and a will I guess it can certainly work for you. The easiest way is to have a background in something that you can do from anywhere in the world. The farm work is extremely popular for visitors to Australia in our area here where dairy and vegetable farms dominate the landscape.

    • Absolutely Mark – hospitality is another great skill which you can find work with anywhere in the world. I haven’t personally tried my hand at farm work, but I know it’s very popular among backpackers to Aus.

      I think the biggest key is to travel with an open mind, and willingness to get your hands dirty!

  3. All great ways to work while traveling. I usually travel for freelance gigs, and I’d love to do some farm experiences. I keep thinking about tea farms, so maybe I’ll do that first.

    • A tea farm would be an interesting experience – I might look into something similar for our trip to Asia next year. We’re similar to your situation though, usually have freelance gigs working online as we explore.

      Happy travels!

  4. These are all great tips to earn money on the road. I especially like the tip about working as an extra on a film set, that’s one I hadn’t heard before and sounds like it would be a blast!

    • Awesome Brianna, glad we could offer a couple of ideas! Yes! Working as a film extra is so much fun! And they have opportunities all over the world, so definitely keep an eye out :)

  5. It’s such a yolo thing to do to be able to work and travel at the same time. I haven’t done so as I don’t have the courage to quit working in Singapore. But your article inspires me!

    • Absolutely Chloe! A lot of people teeter at that stage where they don’t quite have the courage to quit, and I was the same for the first two years of getting my blog up and running. Working to get something up and running while you’re still working is definitely a time consuming and difficult task, but you can do it if you persevere through!

      Hope one day it happens for you!

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