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You may have recently seen me feature a guest blog from Nicole and Michael at Suitcase Stores on World Landmarks.  Their first photo essay submission was so well received that I have asked them to submit another one!

Color is all around us, if only we open our eyes we will see exactly how much.  A cloudless vivid blue sky.  The rich greens in a rain forest.    The deep purples, oranges and reds of the flowers we walk by every day.

But color isn’t just found in nature.  Something we have seen a lot of in our nomadic travels are buildings bursting to life with color!  From a brightly painted door to a whole city painted in color, we have seen beautiful color in many countries.

It is amazing what a coat of paint can do for a building. It can turn something old and shabby into a stunning landmark.

Here are some of our favorites that we have discovered over the last 14 months.


Color in Iceland was not something I expected, but this small country is full of vibrant colors!


One of Iceland’s colorful strips of houses as seen from Hallgrímskirkja Church in Reykjavik.


A residential house in Iceland we found as we were walking around the city of Reykjavik.


Curacao in the Caribbean was full of color. The Dutch know how to liven up a place!


Perhaps the most well known row of colorful buildings in Curacao, Caribbean.


An apartment block that was bursting with color in Curacao, Caribbean.


Mexico is without a doubt the most colorful country we have encountered so far. This is on Isla Majeres just off the Cancun coast.


Play del Carmen in Mexico – Another fine example of how colorful this country is.


There is a city in Mexico, Izamal, which is all painted yellow! Its known as the Yellow City. This is part of the Franciscan convent.


Franciscan Convent in Izamal Mexico which is build over a Mayan pyramid.


Merida Mexico has so much color throughout the city.


One street in Merida Mexico can have 10 different colors featured on the buildings.


One of my favorites of Merida Mexico. I love the contrast between the blue and green.


Merida Mexico – Even the mosque has been painted to fit in with its surroundings.


Just a random door but I love the contrast of colors.

 What is the most colorful place you have been to? 

Nicole and Michael are an Australian couple who gave up their careers, sold their possessions and left their ‘conventional’ life behind for a life of travel. They have been living a nomadic life for 13 months and see no end in sight.

They recently launched Suitcase Stories, a website where they share their stories, travel tips and destination guides.  Their main goal for this website is to inspire others to travel and to show people how long term travel is not only possible but affordable.

You can follow their journey on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest also.


  1. The most colorful place that comes to mind is Burano in Italy. It’s an island in the Venetian lagoon. All the houses are painted various shades of pastel and it is very charming and photogenic! They are known on this island for their lace making, as opposed to Murano, which is known for the famous hand blown glass.

    • Sounds fantastic, will have to get there the next time we are in Europe!! Thanks Kerry!

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