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Visiting the Hanging Coffins in Sagada, Philippines: The Ultimate Guide

Visiting the Hanging Coffins in Sagada, Philippines: The Ultimate Guide

The Igorots of Sagada, Philippines have been participating in an extremely unique burial ritual for thousands of years.

The elderly members of the community will carve their own coffins out of hollowed out logs prior to their death. They are then placed into a coffin which is then hung at the side of a cliff as high up as possible.

One of the most common beliefs behind this practice is the belief that the bodies of the dead will reach their ancestral spirits. They choose to place their family members in the foetal position as they believe it is important to depart the world the same way you entered.

This tradition is slowly dying out as the new generation in Sagada is influenced by modern culture. There is also fear around breaking the bones of their loved ones after death. This may be a tradition that disappears soon.

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Philippines Weather Seasons: Choosing The Best Time to Travel to the Philippines

Philippines Weather Seasons: Choosing The Best Time to Travel to the Philippines

Being an archipelago made up of more than 7000 islands, the Philippines is becoming one of Asia’s most popular destinations. Most travelers head to the Philippines for the beaches, water sports and island scenery, so it’s good to know in advance the best months weather-wise for those activities.

The Philippines is a tropical country with only two seasons – a dry season and a wet season – but there are climatic variations within those seasons, and it can rain at any time of the year.

The following is a weather guide to the Philippines – a month by month breakdown to help you choose the best time of year to plan your travel.

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4 Reasons Cebu City Continues to Attract Foreign Visitors

4 Reasons Cebu City Continues to Attract Foreign Visitors

Cebu is a small island in the central part of the Philippines, yet it attracts a lot of foreign visitors regularly. Suffice it to say, the tourism industry in this part of the country is very much booming.

Despite the fact that Cebu has a lot of similarities to other countries in Southeast Asia, this booming city is still getting frequent visitors from different parts of the world.

Cebu has diverse and unique products and services to offer, beautiful tourist attractions, and at the same time, provides a great opportunity to investors. Here are the four reasons why Cebu City continues to attract foreign visitors.

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The Best Restaurants in Manila: Where to Eat in the Philippines Capital City

The Best Restaurants in Manila: Where to Eat in the Philippines Capital City

When I visited Manila, the one thing which blew me away was the culinary scene. Year by year, Manila’s local food scene has been flourishing, and it’s clear that mealtime reigns supreme in the capital of the Philippines.

Filipino cuisine has new legs to stand on thanks to a number of innovative and passionate Manila-based chefs who are not afraid to push boundaries. And there are now so many incredible places to eat.

Whether they’re flying in produce from far flung places, or staying true to locally sourced ingredients, it’s is an exciting time to dine in Manila. The following are not only the best restaurants in Manila for your taste buds, but also your meticulously curated Instagram feeds.

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5 Countries With Active Volcanoes You Can Visit

5 Countries With Active Volcanoes You Can Visit

Getting to see a volcano up close is something everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime. Whether they’re dormant or active, standing on the crater fills you with wonder (and sometimes dread) as you gaze into the maw of these colossi.

For the purposes of this article, we’ve chosen five different countries with live volcanoes. Though some of these have more than one volcano currently active, so keep an eye out for that, too.

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4 Asian Island Travel Destinations for a Quick Weekend Getaway

4 Asian Island Travel Destinations for a Quick Weekend Getaway

Everyone looks forward to the weekend, though more so if you have the chance to explore a new destination.

And if you’re based in Asia you’re in luck; a patchwork of incredible countries, islands, and cultures, you have a whole continent at your doorstep, and hundreds of destinations which you choose from from for a quick weekend break.

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Countries for a Beach Vacation in Asia

Countries for a Beach Vacation in Asia

Planning a beach vacation and not sure where you should go? Most people immediately turn to “safer” options such the Caribbeans, Hawaii or the Bahamas. While undoubtedly these have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, we would argue that South East Asia has more!

Home to tens of thousands of tropical islands, South East Asia boasts some of the greatest beaches in the world, and vacations here are much cheaper and usually more flexible. The countries in this region offer diverse culture, an exotic food scene, and an extreme wealth of beach activities and water sports, and you can easily hop between islands, packing your itinerary with as much relaxation or extreme adventure as you like.

Consider some of the following destinations for your next beach trip.

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Countries for a Beach Vacation in Asia

For Your Inner Adrenaline Junkie: 7 Extreme Adventures in the Philippines

With its vast collection of idyllic beaches, mysterious caves, majestic mountains, and other natural wonders, the Philippines is a true haven for active vacationers and thrill-seeking adventurers.

Home to some of the most breathtaking vacation spots in the world, there are many reasons to visit the Philippines, though perhaps the most exciting are the truly unforgettable adventures that also offer the most epic adrenaline rush!

Whether you’re into extreme sports like surfing, swimming with whale sharks, or death-defying activities atop the country’s highest points, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for.

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