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How To Rediscover Your Innate Joy Of Being Outdoors

How To Rediscover Your Innate Joy Of Being Outdoors

Most people live their lives in big cities, chained to jobs, mortgages, and motor vehicles. It’s a convenient life, but it has nothing to do with what nature evolved the human animal to enjoy. We should be spending 90 percent of our time in nature, but modern life prevents that.

The consequences of our loss of interaction with nature are severe. Many people feel depressed in big cities, wishing they were somewhere else, but they don’t know why. We spend most of our time in front of screens, in artificial environments, and under constant stress which makes us feel disconnected from our ancient roots.

Our biology is the same as it always was, but in the last 100 years, our surroundings have been transformed. As such, we feel a profound sense of loss and disconnect from the natural world. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We can rediscover our joy of being outdoors by making some simple changes in our lifestyle and mindset. Here’s what you should be doing.

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Fashion Meets Function: The Ultimate Guide to Stylish Outdoor Travel Clothes for Women

Fashion Meets Function: The Ultimate Guide to Stylish Outdoor Travel Clothes for Women

Outdoor travel can be an exciting and enriching experience but requires careful planning and preparation. One key element of a successful outdoor trip is choosing the right clothes. However, selecting outdoor travel clothes that are both functional and stylish can be a daunting task, especially for women.

In this article, we’ll discuss the ultimate guide to choosing stylish outdoor travel clothes for women that meet your trip’s practical and fashionable needs. There’s no need to sacrifice on comfort or style, and have to choose one or the other. You can have them both!

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Four Companies for Cruise Adventures

Four Companies for Cruise Adventures

Raise your hand if you crave adventure! You won’t need to lug gear or cook your own food either – not on a cruise adventure.

That’s right. Cruises are offering ever more adventurous experiences, especially in destinations like Alaska. Add a zip line, bike, hike or fishing excursion to your activity list. At select ports, you can fish on a shore excursion and have your Princess Cruise’s chef serve your catch to your family at dinner. Exactly the way you like it.

There are more cabins for solo travelers too. That’s good news for gal getaways as well as for multigenerational groups with a grandparent in tow. My experience on ships is it’s easy to connect with other travelers. Whether I sit at the bar, request to have dinner at a larger table, or join active shore excursions, other passengers are welcoming.

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How Fast Can A Wake Boat Go: Ideal Speed For Wakeboarding

How Fast Can A Wake Boat Go: Ideal Speed For Wakeboarding

When determining the speed of the wake boat for wakeboarding, most people think that the bigger the wake, and the faster the boat the better, but there’s much more. Finding the “sweet spot” for your wake boat’s speed isn’t only to ensure the satisfaction of the wakeboarder, but it’s also about the safety.

Even though you’re surrounded by water, accidents are ineradicable. Especially when you’re new and try to eyeball the speed, things could get ugly fast. It’s because falling on the water while you’re wakeboarding isn’t the same as falling into still water.

When you are wakeboarding, the wave created by your boat is called a “wake,” which has a density of over 800 times more than still water. Hence, crashing onto a wake will definitely hurt a lot more than just falling into the water. That’s why knowing the ideal speed for your wakeboarding is essential.

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8 Tips That Will Improve Your Camping Experience

8 Tips That Will Improve Your Camping Experience

Getting out in nature is something everyone can enjoy in the right conditions, but not all camping trips are going to provide a satisfying experience. Unless you’ve prepared for a trip that’s suited for you, you’re not going to get a whole lot of enjoyment out of it. You need to make sure that when you’re camping, all of your needs are being taken care of.

Sure, some might argue that camping is all about roughing it – but it doesn’t have to be. You can spend your time in the woods living in luxury if you want to, so long as you can pack it and bring it with you. Ultimately, the experience you have comes down to how you prepare for it.

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Should You Wear Activewear Traveling? (Hell Yes!)

Should You Wear Activewear Traveling? (Hell Yes!)

It’s something people have strong opinions on – should you wear activewear casually, in public. Should you wear lycra onto a plane? Personally, I’m a fan.

Activewear is the best travel wardrobe ever created, and I’m not ashamed to say it; leggings and a sports bra are the perfect clothes to travel in. It’s called athleisure, and while Paris your gym clothes might spark reactions from certain cliques, I probably think the same of women wearing stilettos to explore as they do of me (though kudos to their pain threshold – seriously!!).

Active wear is built to be comfy, easy to wash, odor resistant, and means you can pack less. Fabrics can take a beating while still looking fresh, and wearing it is practical, versatile and effortless. So when I’m asked ‘should you wear active wear while traveling?’ my response is a resouding ‘Hell Yes!’.

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Tips for a Tech-Friendly Camping Trip

Tips for a Tech-Friendly Camping Trip

Camping has become surprisingly easy to break into these days. Thanks to all of the different campsites and resources available, going on your first camping trip is no longer daunting, and can be as comfortable or rough as you choose.

You can simply look for a campsite, bring some gear with you, and then enjoy the great outdoors either by yourself or with friends and family members.

But these days, more and more people are bringing technology when camping. This can help make the camping trip a lot safer, but it can also introduce a lot more entertainment and fun. Technology and nature aren’t always besties, so here are some quick tips on planning a tech-friendly camping trip.

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The Benefits of RV Camping on the Beach

The Benefits of RV Camping on the Beach

Since the pandemic, the way people vacation has changed. While humans have always gravitated towards outdoor spaces, physical distancing and lockdowns have made us appreciate our natural surroundings more than ever before. And now the feeling is, why would you only spend the day immersed in nature, when you can also spend the night?!

RVs have become a hugely popular way to travel since the pandemic, because they allow you to sleep in your destination, and spend time in interesting and exotic places overnight. And beaches specifically can be a great place to park, offering a free ocean view, falling asleep to the sound of the waves crashing ashore, and underneath a million stars. Below are some of the benefits of RV camping on the beach.

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This is the World’s First Waterproof Outdoor Power Station

This is the World’s First Waterproof Outdoor Power Station

A team of outdoor lovers have invented an incredible power station which can work in minus 40 degree weather, and is completely waterproof. This is the world’s first portable power station which can break through severe outdoor conditions, working in rain, snow, wind, or dust storms. It works in both extremely cold and hot temperatures (- 40 °C to 50 °C / – 40 ° F – 122 ° F), and over 5,000 meters above sea level.

Can you imagine being able to charge your phone on top of Kilimanjaro, or boil a cup of coffee while camping in Antarctica, out on the ice?! The DynaYak N35 is the first ever power station of its kind.

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Do You Need Travel Insurance to Sail Around the World?

Do You Need Travel Insurance to Sail Around the World?

Who hasn’t dreamed of sailing around the world?

While heading out to sea and traveling to exotic locations is sure to be an exciting adventure that you’ll never forget, whether you’re sailing with friends, as part of a crew, or even on your own, you first need to consider the practicalities.

One thing you need to think about before you sail off into the sunset is whether you need travel insurance.

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How to Train for Mt Kilimanjaro

How to Train for Mt Kilimanjaro

It’s the biggest question people have before climbing Kilimanjaro, and certainly the one which gave me the most anxiety before my own climb: how do I train so I’m fit enough to get to the top?

Kilimanjaro is a non technical climb, which means it doesn’t require any specialist equipment or climbing experience to reach the top. However that’s not to say that it isn’t incredibly challenging to get to the summit, and training beforehand will definitely improve your chances of reaching the top.

Here’s what I recommend; the training which personally came in handy, and the training I wish I had done.

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5 Adventure & Survival Trips to Challenge Yourself

5 Adventure & Survival Trips to Challenge Yourself

January is the peak time for travel bookings, and it’s at this time that we also set our New Years Reoslutions. Perhaps you’re looking to inject more adventure into the coming year, get into shape, eat better, or just take a vacation to stave off those the post-Holiday blues.

‘Travel more’ is on most people’s list of resolutions, but which type of trip to choose? While it might be tempting to lounge by the pool for a week sipping cocktails, consider whether you can tick off more of those resolutions – maybe an adventure or survival trip could be better!

With the pandemic having scuppered most travel plans in the last couple of years, the closest many of us have come to adventure is playing survival games online or watching Bear Grylls documentaries on YouTube. But let’s put our optimistic hat on for a second and envisage a brighter 2022 and pick out five unique trips that could challenge you this year!

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The Most Beautiful Lakes in the Canadian Rockies

The Most Beautiful Lakes in the Canadian Rockies

The Canadian Rockies are well-known for their abundant wildlife, bustling waterfalls, towering mountain peaks and breathtaking turquoise lakes. Whether you love hiking, canoeing, stand-up paddleboarding or wildlife watching, visiting alpine lakes gives you all these experiences.

I’ve been living near the Canadian Rockies for eight years and seen only a fraction of the lakes in the Canadian Rockies, despite being in the mountains every weekend. There are just so many of them.

This post compiles the most beautiful lakes you can visit in the Canadian Rockies, which are easily accessible by car.

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The Best Multipurpose Travel Backpack: Review of Shell by Tropicfeel

The Best Multipurpose Travel Backpack: Review of Shell by Tropicfeel

More important than what you pack for travel is what you pack your travel gear in. Of course, what travel pack you choose largely depends on what type of traveller you are…or does it?

What if there was a travel backpack for everyone, from the wilderness trekker to the urban backpacker and everyone in-between?

From the company that revolutionized the travel shoe with their all terrain sneaker line, comes the new Shell travel backpack that caters to all types of travellers. It’s a backpack and wardrobe system with unmatched versatility, easy access, and organization to pack up to 20% more; a multipurpose travel backpack every traveler will love to use.

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Seven Amazing Animals You Can Spot on Safari in Tanzania

Seven Amazing Animals You Can Spot on Safari in Tanzania

If you’re looking to observe African wildlife in the wild, it’s hard to beat Tanzania in terms of its sheer numbers and variety of animals.

Home to more than three dozen national parks and game reserves, Tanzania is said to boast a fifth of Africa’s large mammal population. The country is of course home to big name destinations like the Serengeti and Ngorongoro as well as national parks like Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Tarangire, and the Mahale Mountains.

You have the chance of seeing every iconic African animal in Tanzania including the Big Five, the big cats, hippos, crocodiles, and all kinds of antelope species. You can even seek out reserves that are home to African wild dogs and chimpanzees.

The country’s control of poaching has enabled its wildlife to flourish and with so many animals on offer it’s hard to put a spotlight on just a few. That being said, here are seven animals that are often on every safari-lover’s bucket list.

For the best chance of spotting wildlife, I recommend traveling during the dry season which runs from roughly June to October or attempt to time your visit during the Great Wildebeest Migration.

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Top Natural Road Trip Destinations to Visit in America’s Pacific Northwest

Top Natural Road Trip Destinations to Visit in America’s Pacific Northwest

When people plan for travel in America, they tend to lean towards places like New York and D.C. on the East Coast, California on the West Coast, the theme parks and beaches of Florida, or Vegas’ endless entertainment.

But if you’re after a quiet, relaxing, and natural escape, the Pacific Northwest offers the perfect place for a detoxifying road trip through nature.

America’s Pacific Northwest centers on the states of Washington and Oregon. There is so much natural beauty in these two states including national parks and rugged undeveloped coastline. Best explored via a road trip, there are plenty of charming towns to pass through and accommodation options to suit any type of traveler.

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Join the All Female Kilimanjaro Trek on International Women’s Day 2022!

Join the All Female Kilimanjaro Trek on International Women’s Day 2022!

I’ve written a lot about how climbing Mt Kilimanjaro changed my life; it pushed me to discover my physical and mental abilities, and transformed my whole perspective on life.

Oh, and I returned home from Kili with a husband (husbands not included in this March 2022 all female tour!).

But as I was climbing the mountain for my own personal development, I didn’t stop to notice that there was not one single female porter or guide. This was 2010, and fastforward 11 years, guiding trekkers to the summit of Kilimanjaro is still a male dominated world; fewer than 1% of the total guides being female.

Glory Thobias founded Tanzania Women Guides Foundation to change this by providing training and showing a career in guiding as a viable option for women. And to support these efforts, Solo Female Travelers is climbing to the top of Kilimanjaro on an all-female guide, porter and trekker team, to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022.

Will you join to climb to the top of Africa this coming March?

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First-Timers to Antarctica: Don’t Forget These Important 5 Things

First-Timers to Antarctica: Don’t Forget These Important 5 Things

There are very few things in this world that can overwhelm your senses like a visit to the frozen frontier; although Antarctica may seem cold and unwelcoming, it’s actually one of the most interesting and strikingly beautiful places on planet Earth.

An expedition to Antarctica was once an arduous journey, reserved for only the most adventurous explorers, though today anyboy can join a cruise and experience the continent in luxury and comfort.

That said, the cost and logistics mean that most people expect to plan the Antarctic cruise only once in their lifetime, so it’s important as a first timer to know what to expect … and perhaps, more importantly, what not to forget!

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Waterproof Gear You’ll Need When Camping

Waterproof Gear You’ll Need When Camping

There’s nothing worse than camping in the rain, and it’s definitely not most people’s first choice of adventure. But reality is that sometimes, you’ll head out, pitch your tent, and then unexpectedly, the rains roll in.

Sometimes you can predict this, if you’ve been savvy enough to check the weather. Other times, the prediction may have been for clear skies, and it’s taken everyone by surprise.

It’s important to make sure certain camping gear is waterproof regardless of whether rain is expected, because when you’re well equipped for wet weather, rain won’t kill the mood, and may even add to your adventure.

Our number 1 tip for camping is to always be prepared for wet weather, and you can do so by making sure the gear you have with you is waterproof. These are the essentials.

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Dirt Biking for Kids: What to Know & Where to Go

Dirt Biking for Kids: What to Know & Where to Go

Sales of dirt bikes have surged since the pandemic hit. This is one adventure that can be enjoyed anywhere in the world, and kids as young as three are getting in on the action, making it a great activity to enjoy as a family.

With just a few months to go before I give birth to my first baby boy, I’m already worried about what kind of mischief he will get up to; balls in the house, skateboarding accidents, and viral social media challenges like the recent Tik Tok Milk Crate Challenge.

At first, the thought of dirt bikes terrified me, but after reading up I found that they are actually quite safe and a great way to get your kids outside and away from staring at screens.

Like anything, it’s about being prepared rather than preventing your child from experiences. Learning to ride a dirt bike at a young age can set up your child for better success when it comes to driving a vehicle later on, and can be a rather safe activity with the right equipment and teaching your kids the correct safety procedures.

If your child has shown interest in dirt bikes, here are some things I learned which will help get them prepared to ride and kick start their dream of exploring the world on two wheels.

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5 Best Camping Destinations in Thailand

5 Best Camping Destinations in Thailand

Thailand is known for being a popular, cheap backpacker destination offering up everything from wild full moon parties and delicious street food to ancient temples and exotic wildlife.

However, one thing that often gets overlooked in Thailand is camping, most likely due to the fact that many accommodation options such as hotels and backpacker hostels can be booked quite affordably.

Come see why a Thailand camping experience in one of the country’s national parks or reserves may just be the Thailand travel experience you’re after to escape the big popular cities and find a bit more peace and seclusion in the wilderness of Southeast Asia.

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How to Plan a Horse-Riding Holiday that’s Fun for Non-Equestrian Partners

How to Plan a Horse-Riding Holiday that’s Fun for Non-Equestrian Partners

While it may seem almost impossible not to fall in love with horses, not everyone’s always eager to book a horse riding holiday or tour. If you’re an avid equestrian looking to combine your love of horses and travel but find you’re having a bit of difficulty convincing your partner or best friend to tag along, there are thankfully a number of options for planning a horse riding trip that will appeal to even non-horse enthusiasts.

There are many reasons why people may not be eager to get in a saddle. Some may have a fear of horses or at least falling off one, had a bad experience in the past, or simply have never been around horses and are unsure of what is all involved with horseback riding.

Thankfully, there are a number of thrilling horse experiences available all around the world that can cater to a wide range of personalities and interests. Whether your partner is into sports, history, wildlife, or simply spending time in awe-inspiring landscapes, there is guaranteed to be a horse riding experienced that will appeal to even the fussiest of travelers.

If you’re ready to get back in the saddle and encourage your partner to as well, here are some ideas for planning a horse riding holiday that may turn you both into avid globe “trotters”.

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5 Best Travel Destinations to Visit in New Zealand

5 Best Travel Destinations to Visit in New Zealand

Currently with no active community transmission of Covid in the entire country, pretty much anywhere in New Zealand is an ideal spot for a holiday. And with any luck, international travel to New Zealand may still be on the cards late 2021 or early next year.

For now, planes to NZ may be as flightless as their adorable kiwi birds but when tourism does kick off again, here are the best places to visit across the nation’s North and South Island.

Regarded as the Adventure Capital of the World with endless natural wonders, New Zealand is firmly at the top of most travellers’ wish list. From hobbits and glow-worms to winter skiing and surfing along pristine beaches, New Zealand can be as relaxing or adventurous as you wish it to be.

Create an itinerary that revolves around hiking in the wilderness along famous treks like the Milford Track or stick to the cities and dine on delicious seafood while learning about New Zealand’s Māori culture and natural history through its world-class museums.

While it’s difficult to narrow down the country’s top destinations and attractions with so many places offering sheer beauty and adventure in sustainable ways, these are some of the best travel destinations you should check out on your next New Zealand adventure.

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Essential Items to Pack for a Multi-Day Hiking Trip

Essential Items to Pack for a Multi-Day Hiking Trip

When it comes to low-impact, low-intensity exercise, nothing beats hiking. Not only can hiking offer a wide range of physical health benefits, but simply being out in nature can also do wonders for your mental health. Hiking is something that nearly anyone can take up, as you can customize your treks to be as arduous or easy-going as you wish.

While simply going for a short hike in a nearby park or reserve doesn’t require much if any planning, those looking to take their hikes to the next level by planning a multi-day trek in the wilderness will be required to do a bit of preparation.

If you’re a beginner hiker who’s decided that trekking in the great outdoors beats the monotony of using a treadmill, you may have considered challenging yourself even further by planning your first multi-day trek.

The first step to planning a multi-day hike is to research your trail choices to make sure you’re selecting one that matches your current fitness level. The next step is making sure you pack all the essential items to ensure your comfort and safety. Here are my top recommendations for items every multi-day trekker should carry with them.

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Most Beautiful and Unique Campsites in Europe

Most Beautiful and Unique Campsites in Europe

We often picture camping as simply pitching a tent in the middle of the woods somewhere, but many of today’s European campsites offer a whole lot more.

Whether you do indeed enjoy roughing it a bit in the wild or are looking for more of a glamping type experience possibly along the Mediterranean with no lack of amenities, there’s a campsite to suit any personality.

From camping on a nearly deserted English island or high in the Swiss Alps to not even having to camp in the great outdoors at all, Europe offers the chance to enjoy some pretty crazy campsites. Here’s a look at some of the most notably beautiful and rather unique campsites worth a visit.

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