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The Best Laptop for Traveling

If you are planning a trip abroad, there are so many things to start thinking about.

You need to get together an itinerary, of course. Most people already know where they want to go- we have a bucket list that has been building for years. But if you aren’t sure yet, you’ll need to get researching different locations. Once you’ve put together a rough itinerary, it is time to look into tickets.

For many people, price will affect what ticket they purchase. Others buy open-ended Round the World (RTW) tickets, which give them the flexibility of adjusting their itinerary as they go. You never know what new place you’ll be inspired to visit after interacting with someone during your travels.

Once you know where you are headed, it’s time to begin gathering the equipment you will need. Of course, you will want clothes- but you don’t want to pack too much. Especially if you are backpacking, less is more.

No matter whether you are backing or pulling along a rolling suitcase, however, you will feel the weight of your belongings. It’s good to start your trip out with less, remembering that you will acquire souvenirs along the way. Plus, don’t forget that wherever you are headed, there is likely everything for sale that you have back home anyway- if you forget something, it is not the end of the world: you are just in a different place in the world!

One important item that many people overlook however, is what is the right computer to bring. Just like with clothes, you do not want something bulk and heavy. You will regret lugging this thing around. Plus, the larger it is, the more likely it is to either hit the side of something and break or stick out and be noticeable for thieves.

Photo CC  trekkyandy

You’ll want something small and compact. But at the same time, you need durable. To top it all off- since this is a special scenario- you want a computer priced low in case something happens to it during your travels.

For all of the above reasons, what you are describing is an HP laptop. HP produces reliable, affordable laptops that will accompany on your trip around the world. I should know- what do you think I’m typing this from?

Check out some of the great deals available today and make sure to purchase before the start of your trip so you can take it home and install any updates needed as well as get acquainted before your first time logging in abroad.

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Megan is an Australian Journalist who has been travelling and blogging since 2007, with the main aim of inspiring others to embark on their own worldwide adventure. Her husband Mike is an American travel photographer, and together they have made the world their home.

Committed to bringing you the best in adventure travel from all around the globe, there is no mountain too high, and no fete too extreme! They haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on their list.

Follow their journey on Facebook, TwitterYouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.

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